207 kb
3953 dls
April 15, 2006
For Battlestar Galactica fans, The flags that represent the 12 Colonies. Used as race logos, just unzip and then to use them in your game, just go to the my games folder in your documents, click on galciv 2 and drop them into the file labeled logos.

- this file happens to have the flag for aerelon which i mistakenly left out. oddly enough, i didnt notice there were only 11 not 12. fixed now though
404 kb
3996 dls
April 6, 2006
An addition to all the in-game race logos that are flags from around the world. click on the picture to see all flags included, to use them in your game, just go to the my games folder in your documents, click on galciv 2 and drop them into the file labeled logos.
52 kb
2078 dls
March 30, 2006
A kermit the frog leader, for anyone else who wants imagine they are the real frogboy.

Unzip files to C:\Program Files\Stardock\TotalGaming\GalCiv2\Gfx\Race
and it should appear in game