122 kb
3959 dls
June 18, 2007
This ship pack contains some new frigate and fighter designs for the terran ship style.
132 kb
3366 dls
September 26, 2006
These ships are built with the Altarian style, I thought that I would upload some of my favourite ships. Some of these ships are more basic then others, there is at least one ship per hull size, the stardock bonus parts are required for this mod.

-Lord of the Wicked
293 kb
148604 dls
September 14, 2006
This ship pack contains 15 human style ships including my favourite the "Corinea" and the "F-71 Swordfish". There are ships for all types of human hulls. They are only hulls no weapons, defenses, ect so they are available when the hull techs are obtained. The Stardock bonus parts are needed to use these ships.

-Lord of the Wicked
257 kb
146994 dls
September 14, 2006
This ship pack contains 16 ships from all hull sizes, the style used is the Yor's style. The Stardock bonus parts are needed for this mod and there is a colony and construction ship with low end techs, for everything else all that you will need is the ship techs.

-Lord of the Wicked