15 mb
19238 dls
April 21, 2006
A pack to bring the Daleks as they were originally concieved into GalCiv 2. All images rendered in lightwave by me.
- Portraits
- Logos
- Raceconfig
- .bik diplomacy animations (NB: I don't know how to get these into the game, but they are included anyway).
11/27/2006 8:56:05 PM
how did you create the animations?

9/15/2006 6:58:18 PM
How can i see the animations if i'm playing AS the daleks and not against them?

9/3/2006 9:46:32 PM
does this add them in as a major race? i( just asked so because you included diplo animations0.

8/24/2006 10:05:44 PM
No, road killl that isn't a toilet pluger, it's a device that sucks all the air out of someone's lungs.
(I watch the re-make that airs here in the U.S.)

5/11/2006 3:57:09 PM
nice, i'm downloading this right now

Have you seen my pack containing the new series Daleks...although its probably due for an update.

4/29/2006 12:53:50 AM
All we need now are some saucer shapped hulls so the Daleks can march across the galaxy and EXTERMINATE in a proper fashion.

4/24/2006 2:41:34 PM
Hi . Sorry if this has been mentioned before but how do I get to load the animations into the game?

4/24/2006 7:49:55 AM
Well, I'm not sure they use it for toilets but yes it does resemble one (jokes are often made). I believe they were originally intended to have claws but it wasn't practicable.

It occurred to me that some users won't know what a Dalek is (pretty much everyone in the UK does so it didn't occur to me.)

Here's the wikipedia entry http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dalek

and here's the entry for the specific story http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Daleks

4/23/2006 12:18:03 AM
Good pic. Is that a toilet plunger for the arm???

4/22/2006 12:34:17 AM
The anamations are very cool! Thanks, this is a great pack. Hope you do more.