137 kb
3892 dls
March 2, 2007
This updated version (with installer) is intended for Dark Avatar and is 100% Metaverse compatible.

Even though I've been playing Gal Civ for a long time I still sometimes forget what the blue, green, and yellow resource icon is at first glance. So I changed all of them:

• The Technology Resource has the universal symbol for atomic energy on it.

• The Influence Resource has the universal symbol for Pluto – which looks a bit like a human figure raising his hands.

• The Morale Resource has a music symbol - reminded me of morale/culture from the Civilization games.

• The Economic Resource has the universal symbol for Neptune – which also happens to look a bit like the Euro currency.

• The Military Resource has a lightning bolt. The coloring and shape reminded me of the Nod in the Command and Conquer games and represents military might.

Creating and placing symbols on the resources without altering the main shape/texturing is difficult since each resource uses a mirror image of itself (each one differently) on its facets. This is why I limited musical notes on the morale resource to just the middle, and why the graphics on the remaining textures look as they do.


What if I don't like it or want to uninstall it?

Just delete the files that were added out of
\\My Documents\My Games\GC2DarkAvatar\Gfx\Models
9/1/2013 8:21:22 AM
Thanks!! Still useful 6 years later...

3/2/2007 1:19:10 PM
Still a very good mod!

7/1/2006 5:42:40 PM
Fantastic mod!! A must for all

This mod is so good i have even come out of retirement to back it!!

5/1/2006 5:17:29 AM