93 kb
2213 dls
September 4, 2006
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Do you want to have a different Earth? something more... specific? a custom made earth raw terrain and a new map for earth! be sure to backup customplanets.xml file and this is the beta earth so for ANY FUTURE REQUESTS OR WISHES you can post it here or E-mail me, my E-mail is in the Readme file, PLEASE MAKE REQUESTS FAST!, enjoy!

Requires v1.0 or later of Galactic Civilizations II
11/28/2009 2:30:45 PM
I think he means a planet with as many grid squares to build on as possible.

9/1/2006 8:09:45 PM
what a shit! everything I do is double!

9/1/2006 8:09:10 PM
sorry, double post

9/1/2006 8:08:58 PM
sorry, double post

9/1/2006 8:08:28 PM
what do you mean?

9/1/2006 8:08:19 PM
what do you mean?

9/1/2006 4:43:44 PM
how bout a planet with maximum land - an absolute eden?