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November 4, 2006
A Mod For You Star Wars Lovers Out There
My documents/ My Games/ Galciv2/ Ships
11/21/2006 9:00:39 PM

11/6/2006 12:50:11 AM
But, then again, I thought this was a true Star Wars Star Destroyer, with a new model to go along with it.

It's not, is it.

It is just a decked out large hull that already comes with the game.

So, this is not really a mod after all.

11/6/2006 12:45:19 AM
[Component]Zero-Point Armor[/Component]

From the xml file.

This has got to be the most expensive troop transport (read - throw away ship) in the history of the game.

Once you invade a planet, the transport ship is gone. So the huge expense incurred by this ship is totally wasted. And since it has Doomray's and all three of the highest defense techs, as well as a few other ultimate techs, it will not become available in the game until the tech tree is nearly completely researched.

I ask again - how about just the bare hull, so I can outfit it in a way that makes at least a little sense?

11/4/2006 11:09:32 PM
Cool, but what hull/weapon/engine techs do i need?

10/12/2006 8:27:06 PM
Could you do a version with just the .x model file with hardpoints and associated .png files?
I would rather design my own ship based on the hull. I don't like preconfigured ships.

10/7/2006 12:02:23 PM
Sorry if it didn't work, it should now.