162 kb
3013 dls
January 18, 2007
MS FrameWork 2.0 is required (like all the new software developed nowadays) so please install it before using this little utility ^_^

This Launcher when executed: verifies, shuffle and backup your STARS file every time, and then launch the game...
An original STARS.txt is provided for uninstallation purpose...
Read the ReadMe.txt and i hope u ENJOY!!! ^_^
3/8/2007 1:18:16 AM
Will do. And thanks again for such a great utility. I can't imagine playing new games without it.

3/2/2007 10:02:45 PM
At least the STARS.txt file should have 1001 names and if your files has some squares or other irregularities on it, then it's bad formatted... the randomizer should clean it out if there are at least 1001 lines... make sure every name is followed by a carriage return (Enter) to be sure that the lines are really separated and not like: Star1?Star2?Star3?...Star999?Star1000... in the same line.

Actually you can edit mine 1000+ star names and add the ones you like :)

2/20/2007 7:28:19 AM
Thanks. And thanks so much for the randomizer. Nice job! Let me ask you though... how many "lines" is the file supposed to have? Mine only has 997 lines and some of them are listed like this: Paradron?Sharatan

? = is actually a sqaure

2/17/2007 11:09:59 PM
@jpinard: Hi :) If you want to use 500 lines then you should copy and paste it 2 times +1 to make it work, as the dev said to me, under 1000 names the game will malfunction, and as you can see by yourself this is how they done it in they original STARS.TXT (search with notepad for Primus and you should encounter it 3 to 4 times :P)

Actually, i kept the source in VB2005 of the star randomizer, but i've no visual basic express 2005 installed at the moment...But you can workaround on this... there are free BAT to EXE programs, just rename GC2DarkAvatar.Exe in GC2DA.Exe and then make a bat file that will launch the game how you like then transform it in Exe and rename it instead of GC2DarkAvatar.exe

2/10/2007 11:37:59 PM
Sorry, one more question. Will this function (and the star names file) with less than 1,000 lines? Like if I only wanted to use 500 names?

2/10/2007 11:36:37 PM
Well, it appears to work well (thanks!), but I'm wondering if you could make a version that doesn't auto-launch the game? I use some alternate options via shortut, and using this negates thats and costs extra time as I have to randomize, the exit, then re-launch.

Much appreciated and nice work!

2/10/2007 8:44:47 PM
it should be, as the STARS.txt i think it's not checked...

2/9/2007 11:41:12 PM
Are these Metaverse compatible?

1/27/2007 10:03:28 PM
the original stars file, was 1539 entries or so, i don't remember well... the fact is that in the original STARS.txt there was names repeated over and over...
apart from this, when you start the program, it shuffles over the stars in the txt file and quits... it's not a memory resident program or anything like that... try to use it with the original stars.txt provided, and if the game continue doing so... i think it can't be any fault from the program, however whoever used it over and over in a daily basis i hope they can write some kind of feedback to let me know if this problem is only happening in your machine... as i'm playing with it every day and never got a single issue... i'll stay tuned to see any comments in some days :)

(you can try to use the stars.txt of mine with 1000+ single names, even not shuffled you should have a issue-free game... lemme now :)


1/26/2007 4:24:52 PM
ahh... It still comming back... I'll try to post a screen shot.

1/26/2007 12:16:23 PM
okay... found the probolem. I used more than 1000 stars.

1/26/2007 12:15:04 PM
well the starname changes, so its like #^&Iconia but the system looks exactly like that of the Sol system, but the habitibal points are different. like the planet that looks like jupiter is level 8 and the one that looked like mercury was level 4... but it changes. Sorry if its a bit too vague, I'll check it out again.

1/26/2007 12:01:30 PM
if you'll be more specific about this problem... i can look into... but it's a so simply coded app, that i doubt it's related to anything i released... it also assures that no blank lines are present... i dunno what you mean by "#^&(starname" can you be more specific? :)

1/23/2007 9:56:41 PM
I'm not sure if it is 1000+ star names, but there is a bug where a star is treated like the Sol system, but has different names and Qualities. EX. it would be #^&(starname)