298 kb
3957 dls
February 17, 2007
This is a promotion pack for the upcoming total conversion to stargate for this game. It contains logo's and 3 portraits.
7/15/2009 11:53:33 PM
ummm....why the heck is my logo the preview image for this download?

3/22/2007 4:22:57 PM
how goes the work on this then ?

3/10/2007 10:32:31 AM
cool, good luck with the ships, should be great ill be looking forward to this conversion!!!

2/22/2007 5:23:50 PM
id loe 2 help u out on this thing 2, im good at moivies, and a lil xml, id have made a mod, but the 1 i made is 2 big

2/19/2007 1:46:45 PM
Uhm well I need new ships like the deadlus (as hull) and goa'uld gliders etc.. I dont know ANYTHING of modeling so I dont know what format (as long as they are compatible with game) and the deadlus should be a medium class vessel. But lets discus this over mail or even msn (if you have it) mine is glenn14256@hotmail.com! Looking forward to work with you!

2/19/2007 1:01:56 PM
No problem. Which format do you want the model files in? Do you want them ready for game use?

2/19/2007 1:10:55 AM
Cool :) because I really need someone to do ships and modelling etc :D I can do the rest!

2/18/2007 3:40:53 PM
I would be more than happy to help you out and become part of your team.

2/17/2007 3:56:29 PM
If I can make any :$ I have to practice that.. dont know what programs to use or how to do it all.. so I will probably need someone else in my team for it

2/17/2007 2:34:38 PM
Nice Job! I am looking forwad to seeing some ships.