183 kb
4597 dls
September 2, 2008
This file is currently up to date for:
Federation 3rd Edition
Klingon 2nd Edition
Gorn 2nd Edition
ISC 1st Edition
Hydran 1st Edition
Tholian 1st Edition
Lyran 1st Edition
Romulan 2nd Edition
Kzinti 1st Edition

I have submitted this so I don't have to update each ShipCfg folder in all my ship packs. This is also for those that messed up their old ShipCfg folders.

ONLY use this if you are using my Ship packs (http://library.galciv2.com/index.aspx?a=2985422) and
ONLY if you are using Twilight of Arnor.

As each new ship pack comes out this will also be updated.

Without these files you can't start the game with the Player Useable Shipstyle of my ships.

ONLY Install this into:
C:\Program Files\Stardock\TotalGaming\GalCiv2\Twilight\Data\ShipCfg


Either copy the files into the folder or just overwrite the ShipCfg folder. Either will work.

OK now what if you mess up?
The original ShipCfg folder is here in case you mess up: ShipCfg-original.

See how nice I am to you?

2/10/2009 5:59:11 PM
I downloaded your ships to use but am having a problem. I'm using Windows Vista and the file tree structure is completely different that with a Windows XP install.

I found were to put everything but the shipcfg folder. I did a search and can't find the install shipcfg folder to update.

Any help from ANYBODY will be great.


8/29/2008 8:29:13 PM
ISC now included

8/29/2008 3:28:12 PM
Hydran Kingdom now included

8/13/2008 4:53:10 PM
Tholians now included

8/5/2008 1:27:22 PM
Ships of the Lyran Star Empire Added.

7/12/2008 4:49:34 PM
Kzinti start up ships now added.

7/5/2008 1:51:20 PM
Ok 2nd Edition up with Romulans player shipstyles added and the correct folders in the zip file this time.

7/5/2008 1:27:16 PM
Many apologies for some how I uploaded the wrong folder in to the zip. 2nd Edition will be updated with the Romulan ships with the correct files too.