5 kb
2968 dls
May 22, 2006
Ever wanted different names for your stars? This mod changes the star names to be those from the classic game Star Control 2! Contains stars like 'Beta Hydrae' and 'Epsilon Eridani', along with famous stars like 'Betelgeuse' and 'Procyon'. Makes GalCiv2 a bit more sci-fi!

v1.2 - Corrected a few spelling errors.
v1.1 - Star list now randomised!
3/13/2006 10:13:19 PM
Thanks for letting me know about the filename getting truncated: the mod entry had 'Starcon2 Stars.zip' listed as the file, but it downloaded 'Starcon2'. I figure the site hates spaces, so I renamed and reuploaded. It's bad practice to use spaces anyway... :) It should work fine now.

3/13/2006 9:23:46 PM
How do I use it? Please email me at armandopenblade@gmail.com - it just looks like a blank file to me, and I have no idea where to put it!

3/11/2006 10:49:34 PM
Awesome! Just what the doctor ordered... ;)