175 kb
9433 dls
September 2, 2008
Star Wars Imperial Forces Ship Pack
7/4/2010 6:31:34 AM
I know this is old and such, but, I've been trying to install this mod with no success! Put in it my docs/galciv2/ships and in the mods folder under program files and nothing happens. Am I missing something? Also, it doesn't seem to have an extension i.e. what is the file type on this thing?

9/3/2008 5:44:02 PM
That is what I was told? I hope its not true, but it doesn't matter that is the final thing I am going to do. It will be Empire, Republic, Rebels, CIS, then Superweappons. Thinking Death Star, Dark Forge, Don't know about the rebels and, I guess the Death Star Alpha?

9/3/2008 2:32:05 PM
Hardcoded? Maybe the function, but the model must be in the /gfx/models folder. Can't be anywhere else.

9/2/2008 11:01:41 PM
Working on the Old Republic right now but the Rebels are next then the CIS.

Dude I so want to do the death star but the terror star is hard coded.

9/2/2008 6:14:33 PM
Great ship pack. Thanks for taking the time to make this. Do you have one for the rebellion too?

9/2/2008 2:26:15 PM
Well I am happy that there is a nice collection of the large warships......now were is that Death Star to destroy?