109 kb
5051 dls
May 18, 2006
Use symbols from the Freespace universe in GalCiv2!

This pack includes symbols of the Galactic Terran Alliance, the Parliamentary Vasudan Navy, the Hammer of Light and the Galactic Terran-Vasudan Alliance. Click on the thumbnail for a preview of all four symbols.
8/16/2006 9:03:49 PM
Speaking of Freespace....Does any1 know where i can buy copies of both games???

6/7/2006 7:17:44 AM
The Deimos and Sobek would be nice models to port, and the SCP versions look neat.

5/27/2006 3:53:00 PM
The GTVA Colossus is exceedingly ugly. Let's try an Orion (which is still ugly but less so). Or Deimos (now there's a cool ship).

5/19/2006 9:24:12 AM
If we could get some freespace 2 capital ship models into GC2, i would be over the moon. The next ship i name the 'GTVA Collosses' should be the real one. ;)

3/31/2006 8:04:07 AM
These look very nice!