25 kb
2896 dls
April 6, 2006
A fancy Skull and Crossbones emblem, necessary for all self respecting space pirates.

Simply extract to my Documents/My Games/Gal Civ/Logos

Updated, definitely a .png file and now has black background.
5 kb
2662 dls
March 30, 2006
The New Systems Commonwealth Logo as per the Highguard of the Andromeda (Roddenberry) Universe.

Simply extract to My Documents/My Games/Gal Civ/Logos
75 kb
5171 dls
March 30, 2006
Very nice female Portrait. simply extract to your My Documents/My Games/Gal Civ/Protraits folder.
56 kb
4295 dls
March 24, 2006
Dragon Lord image, simply extract to your My Documents/My Games/Gal Civ/Protraits folder.
19 kb
4256 dls
March 24, 2006
Play as House Atriedes from the Excellant DUNE series by Frank Herbet, with this House Atriedes Logo.

Simply extract to My Documents/My Games/Gal Civ/Logos
28 kb
2975 dls
March 21, 2006
The Psi Copr Logo from Babylon 5.

Simply extract to My Documents/My Games/Gal Civ/Logos