3 kb
3926 dls
January 28, 2008
This is a universalistic racial ability bonuses modification micromod project.

I did this simply because wanted to create a base reference for testing ability impact during game play and I figured this was the best way to achieve that goal.

I have decided to make it available to the public for fun. This should be the finial stand alone version. All future development work will be done via the Default Systems Comprehensive Modification Pack (DSCMP) as it is my primary mod project for GC.

In short what I did was to set each ability cost to one (1) point per 15% boost for all applicable abilities. I have also set a penalty option of 15% that gives back one (1) point if you choose for nearly all as well.Furthermore I rewrote all the descriptions and spruced up the code a very tiny bit.
2 kb
4063 dls
March 30, 2006
For this mod I simply gave each empire a total of 30 Planet Quality (PQ) points for home systems. I allocated the points in various amounts based on the play style I observed from several games using the Tough AI configuration.

Additionally the "custom empire" homeworld and other inhabitable planet now have a different standard texture and a moon. Furthermore I disabled planet four and five as well.