28 kb
6139 dls
August 19, 2008
Picked from various sources, this STARS file now includes 7264 different star names (previous version had only 7208).

Best used with the Universal Randomiser by yours truly. ;)

Place the contained STARS.txt in the /Data/English folder of GC2, DA or TA.
2 kb
3189 dls
November 27, 2007
Yet another randomiser for GalCiv2. This one can be used with ALL English versions of the game!

Supported are GalCiv2: Dread Lords, Dark Avatar and Twilight!

If someone sends me a list of all available language versions, the next release will cover those as well.

.NET 2.0 required, XP and upwards should already have that.

Place in you game folder (e.g. GalCiv2\DarkAvatar) and run.