4 mb
292 dls
July 7, 2009
A Dutch localization of Dread Lords. It is about 80% complete and focuses on high quality translations. Work is progressing steady, the end result slowly becomes visible.

Version history:
0.1 - First release, user interface & names of in-game objects mostly translated
0.2 - Tooltips, political parties, invasion tactics fully translated. Large part of negotiations translated. Quality improvements to existing translations.
0.3 - Modified some screens to make translated texts fit better in available space. Lots of work on translating negotiations further. Ability bonus texts translated, race descriptions translated. Hints, starbase modules, cutscenes translated.
0.4 - Modified more screens to make translated text fit better. Fixed a few errors in the text. Small updates.
0.5 - Port to Dark Avatar, including importing & adapting existing texts, translating new text, modifying screens. Negotiations translation completed.
1 kb
3429 dls
January 12, 2009
This script converts GC_Conversations.xml from Dread Lords to Dark Avatar format.

While porting my Dutch Language Mod from Dreadlords to Dark Avatar, I noticed that it was hard to copy/paste the translated texts in GC2_Conversations.xml, because the XML format had slightly changed. To aid in the conversion I wrote this little script that converts the GC2_Conversations.xml from Dread Lords to Dark Avatar format, after which it is trivial to copy/paste translated texts from the translated Dread Lords file to the the Dark Avatar file.

I make the script available through the GC2 Metaverse Library for the case it is usefull for someone else.
10 mb
2183 dls
October 14, 2008
Portuguese Galactic Civilization II - Gold Edition Manual
28 kb
6095 dls
August 19, 2008
Picked from various sources, this STARS file now includes 7264 different star names (previous version had only 7208).

Best used with the Universal Randomiser by yours truly. ;)

Place the contained STARS.txt in the /Data/English folder of GC2, DA or TA.
467 kb
2222 dls
July 10, 2008
Firstly, let me state for the record that this "mod," such as it is, is not intended to make any sort of judgment on the designers or anyone else associated with this game. In fact, it is primarily for my own personal use; as much as I love the game wholly, I have a somewhat quirky personality that "twitches" whenever I spot a typo or grammar error. This mod is the culmination of my efforts toward pacifying my "twitchy eye" as it were. I would only like to say this: I love the English language, with all its quirks and bizarre words. It is also a beastly language to wrestle with and I am by no means a professional grammarian; my love of the language is strictly casual. That being said, it's more than likely I've introduced a few of my own (I like commas, for instance; the times are a changing... the poor beast is dying a lingering death, I'm afraid.) I had initially started to comment all my corrections, but that got to be tiresome, so I subsequently removed most of the comments. The few that remain are for those few instances where there was a great deal of confusion (on my part) as to what was intended. I made the best choice that I could, from my limited knowledge, and hope that it suffices. I have otherwise altered no other files and hope that this will be looked on in the manner with which it is offered: a simply and humble token to the designer and the game community at-large, in appreciation for this delightful game that has devoured so much of my time already. Keep up the great work!

Now updated (finally) for v1.95... just in time for 1.96 to come out! :L
632 kb
1985 dls
September 13, 2007
Language Mod for german speaking users.

This is version 3.0 - the final version of my german language Mod for DarkAvatar v. 1.50

fixed a few minor bugs in the modded Englishfolder
now really includes full Campaign DarkAvatar
and Campaign DreadLords (reworked) in german
the Turoials DL/DA in german

as allways use this mod only for DarkAvatar v.1.50
otherwise... RTD
633 kb
2385 dls
September 13, 2007
Language Mod for german speaking users.

This is version 3.0 - the final version of my german language Mod for DarkAvatar v. 1.61

fixed a few minor bugs in the modded English folder
now really includes full Campaign DarkAvatar
and Campaign DreadLords (reworked) in german
the Turoials DL/DA in german

as allways use this mod only for DarkAvatar v.1.61
otherwise... RTD
2 kb
3079 dls
April 23, 2007
A Star list based on the Wikipedia Traditional star name list (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_traditional_star_names), whith a couple of extra ones added on at the end.

Backup and replace Galciv2\Data\English\STARS.txt