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July 13, 2006
Dont you want to be a jedi? now you can! you can build your own Jedi Temple!
to all the ones who likes STAR WARS! this is including an improvment of a jedi temple and PNG picture.
and new tech named: Jedi Temple.
it can only be build in Good Alignment, but all the moders out there can change it to
whatever you want!
9/3/2006 7:28:12 AM
the Sith Temple is on his way... I just need to find a picture of it, the google say:

Jedi Temple, Sith Temple, all the same when you search for the word Temple...

8/18/2006 1:31:45 AM
How about a sith temple?

8/14/2006 6:36:26 PM
thanks for the compliment, M.U, mind if I call yogu that? one problem; The mods folder donesn't work (yet) so I'll jsu un zip it to: My docs/My games/Galciv2/Data/English.

8/9/2006 8:22:33 AM
place it in the mods folder.
and yes that is a good guess thanks!

7/20/2006 9:59:42 PM
Ohhhh. where do i unzip it to?

7/20/2006 9:58:59 PM
I assume it increases moral and soldering. was thta a good guess?

7/4/2006 8:46:24 AM
you know it just to make your planet safer because the jedies using thier power for defense not attack

7/1/2006 1:25:53 AM
What does it do?