11 kb
3274 dls
January 15, 2007
Everything you could ever want... in a box.

The UHJC is basically a super cheap planetary improvement which gives the player enormous bonuses on said planet, HOWEVER, there is no restriction on other races using it, meaning that games remain at the same (or perhaps greater) level of challenge for people who play above "Fool" and "Subnormal" difficulties.

I use the UHJC when I want to play a game where techs are researched fast and you can wield massive armies and stupendous influence. Its not meant to cheat, but to make the game more "epic", if you will.

NOTE: Some users may wish to increase the economy bonus the UHJC creates, as it can be very expensive to maintain them early in the game (usually doubling the bonus works).
5/21/2007 1:00:41 AM
This was fun to use for a little while, I liked it, kudos!

1/22/2007 8:42:21 PM
I laaaaav you all <3


10/9/2006 3:34:30 AM
this is sad.. its just a sad sad mod.. its like giving yourself unlimited ammo..

check please!! i am never coming back to this place :) (joke)

10/5/2006 6:10:21 PM
It's a planetary improvement that increases morale on that planet to the nth degree.

10/5/2006 6:47:54 AM
Well my new Xbox360 must be inside!!!!

10/5/2006 6:33:22 AM
That really says a lot.