*strange* hmm you seem to have no plan how to use your freetime meaningfull hm?
well ...*g*
did you just started when you heard that we are working on one?
I mean a waste of time is it that 4 groups have done there own way instead of together ;)
are you native german? if not I must say you have a good german ;)
A waste of time ? I need only a prolonged weekend for this translation. Okay, I had the advantage that it wasn't my first work. GalCiv (1) and the patches for GalCiv 2 were a good training.
what a waste of time...^^
Not exactly right, at least the fourth.
cool schon der dritte der ne deutsche übersetzung macht, naja sind bald fertig hier bei i mod ham aber auch ne menge fürs nächste addon schon mal vorgefertigt, an dem wir mitarbeiten, so sind wohl alle n bisl unterschiedlich, werden sich deutsche spieler freun bei der Auswahl *g*