406 kb
5042 dls
January 12, 2009
The SRPA Badge from the game - Resistance 2. Logo custom made by Master U. For more game logos requests contact Master U by e-mail.
2/6/2011 4:17:21 PM
There is a readme file in the rar, I don't understand why you can't see it. At any rate, this should go into the GFX directory inside the "Race" folder and named "RaceLogoXX.png" XX being a number which isn't taken already in the list of logos.

2/6/2011 4:17:16 PM
There is a readme file in the rar, I don't understand why you can't see it. At any rate, this should go into the GFX directory inside the "Race" folder and named "RaceLogoXX.png" XX being a number which isn't taken already in the list of logos.

2/2/2011 2:15:44 PM
HOw do you install this after download??