49 kb
2767 dls
August 23, 2006
For marathoners only! When you play a game past the end of the Tech Tree, your scientists kick back with a cold one and never work again! Not so with this mod!
At various points during the game the scientists will celebrate their achievements with an Office Party. Once the Tech Tree is fully researched, the party ends when all of your research facilities will be demolished to make room for productive improvements.
(Notes: Modifies the Tech Tree by adding "Office Parties". These are in place to determine when the 30 "research lines are complete". There are four "Office Parties" because an individual tech can only have 8 prerequisite techs. An alignment specific final Party confirms the tree is completed, which enables a Planetary Improvement to upgrade the research facilities as if they had just been Terraformed.
The "Office Party" techs were given a cost of 300 to keep them from appearing as optional techs during character creation. If you finished the Tech Tree, I believe this cost is negligible. The cost to "upgrade" to a blank square is the same as demolition, which means you can get the same effect manually if your patient enough to go through every planet. Because of these two factors, I don't believe this mod adjusts game balance.
Some of the Tech Tree display graphics get a little squirrelly - some new techs appear behind every prerequisite tech and some appear on their own line. It doesn't seem to effect their function or dependencies. Enjoy!)