37 kb
9507 dls
May 31, 2007
One of the frustrations of invasions is that you have few tactical options. Worse, those options are not very flexible with respect to circumstances, specifically how much money you can throw at the problem, and how much collateral damage you are willing to accept. This mod adds seven new, carefully balanced invasion tactics that fill out the spectrum a little more evenly, and will give you more options, especially when you have lots of money.

Orbital Bombardment
Steel Rain
Orbital Siege Platforms
Enhanced Radiation Attack
Rods from God

Enjoy! Please do send along any comments you might have, especially if you notice balance issues.


Extract to your favorite mod folder.
6/24/2009 1:41:14 PM
I have a problem with this mod. Out of all of the mods here, I /really/ want this one to work the most. When I download this from the Download button at the top right, I get only two files: Readme.txt, and tactics_table.txt, thats all. Is there supposed to be more to them? You mention above "Pants_Inv_Tactics.xml" but I dont have that in the download I got. Am I missing something? Any help would be appreciated.

Note: I have only Dread Lords, and I have the Smaller Fighters Larger Battleships mod already running.

8/14/2007 3:56:00 PM
Hmm im having a hard time trying to put this in my mod file, but i can't seem to find it..

6/8/2007 3:54:20 PM
JubJub: I t SHOULD work in DL too, unless there was a drastic change in the mods folder. Assuming you have your mods enabled correctly (via the Options screen), check if these are in the correct places: Pants_Inv_Tactics.xml in /Data/Invasions, and pictures in Gfx/TacticImages. Let me know if that doesn't help.

TC44: AFAIK, you can't. I'm pretty sure the invasion tactics are read into the savegame file... short of going in and editing that (NOT recommended), I don't think there is a way.

Drengin: much obliged!

6/6/2007 1:22:39 PM
I can't get this to work, does it work for DL or DA? Or both? I extracted the contents to the DL mod folder and it didn't work.....

6/4/2007 8:28:59 PM
Any way to get this to work in an already saved game?

I would love to use this in the game I am running now

6/3/2007 2:46:42 AM
These work really well and add a nice new aspect to invasions. Great work GP - Drengin