
July 27, 2007
Implement All Racial Penalties (Negative Bonuses)
By General Pants
This mod implements negative racial bonuses for all racial abilities, including miniaturization, logistics, home planet quality, interest rates, and all of the exotic worlds colonization abilities. Every ability has been given one or more penalty options, which award bonus points for a reduction in the ability score.
Using this mod, you can make your Ultimate Jellyfish Race, who can't colonize Barren worlds, but can automatically colonize water worlds, and who need extra space in their ships for their watery "atmosphere." Enjoy!
This is a mod of the "Implement all Racial Abilities" mod by me, which was itself a mod of "MrKorx's Miniaturization & Logistics Mod" by MrKorx (with the latter author's permission).
V1.1: Based on player feedback, I have lowered the value of the Colonize Exotic Worlds abilities considerably. I originally set them high because I felt that they would be especially problematic for the AI. Of course, I don't recommend giving the AI these penalties anyway, so that doesn't really make much sense, does it? V1.2: Fixed minor typo that might or might not have affected play. Thanks to Mongo64 for pointing it out. V1.21: (unreleased) Updated readme file. V1.3: corrected minor typo pointed out by nooha.
INSTRUCTIONS: Extract these to yourfavoritmod/Data... for some reason, the AbilitiesBonus.xml will not work if you put it in Data/English, so please don't do that.

July 2, 2007
General Pants' Neon Lights Mod
by General Pants
When I made the Light Jewels Mod, I had two other lights in mind, but they required new textures, and I just didn't have the time. I still don't have time for them, but here they are... neon lights! These are solid-colored, differently-shaped versions of the light jewels. They lack the "glare" effect of the other lights, so they don't have a preferred orientation. Included are two new styles for each of the 20 color schemes (yup, that's 40 jewels): a long, think "rod" light and a "ring" light. These both have hardpoints, allowing you to use them to build glowing lattices and other exotic stuctures.
Extract to your favorite mod folder.

July 2, 2007
DARK AVATAR ONLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!
General Pant's Logistics Jewels
by General Pants
31 more "new" jewels for your ships, with the loose theme of logistics... they mostly look either like stuff to transport things, or things in which to transport stuff. It's a bit of a stretch; see the "notes" below.
INCLUDES: - Ten parts used on the asteroid mining bases, including the base core (not available elsewhere);
- all eight starbase "cores," both the DL and DA versions (I love the DL Influence base core!);
- the five ground forces units (including the turret!), so you can set up a staging area on your invasion ships;
- six dummy cargo hulls you can use as jewels (they are some of the best jewels in the game!);
- a dummy life-support module (the DA module is pretty cool;
- a dummy "brick" hull (well, *I* like it, anyway);
- The jewels are grouped in four "thematic" .xml files... if you don't like one of the "themes," just delete the file, and the jewels are gone!
TO INSTALL: Extract to your favorite mod folder.

May 31, 2007
General Pants' Light Jewels Mod
by General Pants
I don't know about you, but red, white, blue, and yellow lights really aren't enough for me! This mod adds new light jewels: 16 new colors and two new styles, for a total of 60 lights! These lights come in all primary and secondary colors, and a small selection of "fun" colors, including a black light (unfortunately, I could not implement a lava lamp).
In addition to the old "globe" style, each color also comes in flat "panel" and rounded "dome" configurations. The former are useful for window or engine effects, the latter make nice running lights, and you have to do less twiddling to get the "light" effect oriented properly. Both of the latter have a much broader scale-range.
Extract to your favorite mod folder.