2 mb
14377 dls
June 2, 2008
Taken from THHGTTG mod, this mod adds a new class of Starbase: Artificial Planets!

Starbases and artificial planets now have to be researched. This mod is for DL, DA and now TA.

Version 0.5 fixes a major bug that was reported.
Version 0.6 adds DA compatibility and more interesting module names.
Version 0.7 fixes more bugs.
Version 0.8 adds TA compatibility.

7 mb
5445 dls
July 7, 2007
What if mankind wasn't united before Hyperdrive was invented? This mod contains 25 major races, all of which are present-day nations and leaders.

See www.tbsmodder.co.uk for more details.
4 mb
3943 dls
November 13, 2006
7 playable HHGTTG races, artificial planets, new engines and other HHGTTG related stuff.

Forum thread: http://forums.galciv2.com/?forumid=348&aid=135341

There is a version that includes new videos and music, which can be downloaded here: http://www.filecrunch.com/file/2bm
19 kb
2200 dls
November 11, 2006
Gives you a choice of what planetary improvements to build once you have researched more advanced ones. Also, improvements don't automatically upgrade.
5 mb
6086 dls
October 4, 2006
What if mankind wasn't united before Hyperdrive was invented?
This mod contains 9 major races and 8 minors 12 of which are present-day nations and leaders.

Forum thread: http://forums.galciv2.com/?forumid=162&aid=128161. I will constantly update this with details of additions and all comments on the mod should be posted there.

To install, see the included readme.