126 kb
2959 dls
April 23, 2007
Star Base pack requires Omega mod 2.0 and DA
0 kb
4636 dls
April 23, 2007
Go to this link to download the Omega 2.0 mod


The Omega mod 2.0 will be needed for all next generation Omega shipyard fleet packs.

[Link listed in library for ease of finding--download it at the url above, not here.]
211 kb
4618 dls
March 24, 2007
DA next generation Colonial and Cylon Fleet Pack

Requires DA, Galciv 1.40 or higher, collector edition and finally Omega mod 2.0

Omega Mod 2.0 can be downloaded here http://hosted.filefront.com/kenwebb1045/
39 kb
4173 dls
June 29, 2006
Omega YorCylon Fleet Pack 1.0

All ship design from the Omega Shipyard see the post here on the Galciv2 forum
for detail screen shots and further development.

Version 1.11 or higher
Collectors Edition needed
Omega Mod 1.0

Race Yor (all Ship) 22 total
3 tiny
4 Small
2 Medium
4 Large
5 Huge
4 cargo

Warning: Some of the ship have extensive jewelry and may effect your game.

Installing: unzip files and open ships folder and put all file in
(My Documents/My game/Galciv2/ships) make any copies of anything you replace.

The Omega Mod files need to be installed first for the ship Pack to load popularly.

65 kb
4389 dls
June 22, 2006
Omega Colonial Fleet Pack 1.0

All ship design from the Omega Shipyard see the post here on the Galciv2 forum
for detail screen shots and further development.

Version 1.11 or higher
Collectors Edition needed
Omega Mod 1.0

Race Human (all Ship) 25 total
3 tiny
4 Small
6 Medium
5 Large
3 Huge
4 cargo

Warning: Some of the ship have extensive jewelry and may effect your game.

Installing: unzip files and open ships folder and put all file in
(My Documents/My game/Galciv2/ships) make any copies of anything you replace.

The Omega Mod files need to be installed first for the ship Pack to load popularly
34 kb
2919 dls
June 22, 2006
Omega Drengin Ship Pack 1.0

All ship design from the Omega Shipyard see the post here on the Galciv2 forum
for detail screen shots and further development.

Version 1.1 or higher
Collectors Edition needed
Omega Mod 1.0

Race Drengin (all Ship)
2 Tiny
3 Small Hulls
2 Medium Hulls
4 Large Hulls
3 Huge Hulls
4 Cargo

Warning: Some of the ship have extensive jewelry and may effect your game.

Installing: unzip files and open Dships folder and put all file in
(My Documents/My game/Galciv2/ships) make any copies of anything you replace.

The Omega Mod files need to be installed first for the ship Pack to load right.
70 kb
4307 dls
June 9, 2006
Omega Imperial Ship Pack 02
(Finely we will crush the Rebellion once and for all)

All ship design from the Omega Shipyard see the post here on the Galciv2 forum for detail screen shots and further development.

Version 1.1 or higher
Collectors Edition needed
Omega Mod 1.0

Race Human (all Ship)
24 ship total
hull type: tiny to huge
Warning: Some of the ship have extensive jewelry and may effect your game.

Installing: unzip files open ships folder and put all file in (My Documents/My game/Galciv2/ships) make any copies of anything you replace.

The Omega Mod files need to be installed first for the Imperial ship Pack to load popularly.

Tiny Hulls
Darth Rader
Tie Fighter II
Tie Interceptor II
Tie Defender II
Small Hulls
Sith Infiltrator II
Medium Hull
Sith Cruiser
Sith Strike Cruiser
Imperial Victory III
Large Hull
Imperial Prosecutor
Imperial Talon
Imperial Vindicator
Imperial War Blade
Huge Hull
Imperial Star Destroyer III
Imperial Supper Star Destroyer II
Imperial Star Carrier
Imperial Aires Star Destroyer
Omega Star Destroyer
Sith Death Force
Cargo Hull
Imperial Troop Shuttle
Sith Transport
Imperial Freighter
Imperial Acclamator II
Imperial Constructor
Omega Freighter
27 kb
4072 dls
June 9, 2006
The Omega Shipyard (Star Trek) Terrain empire fleet pack

All ship are human
5 Small Hulls
2 Medium Hulls
4 Large Hulls
3 Huge Hulls

Need 1.1 or higher version, collectors addition, and Omega Mode1
1 kb
2594 dls
June 9, 2006
SS-01R Ranger
Ship Type: Altarian
Hull Type: Cargo

The Ranger is a high speed, long-range scout ship. Loaded with engines, sensors, and survey modules, the Ranger is an effective scout for exploring enemy and unexplored space. The download contain only ship hull, no components
1 mb
4080 dls
May 16, 2006
The download contain two folders and a (read me first) file
The use for the mod files requires GaCiv 1.1

These files are copies of hull and components renamed as jewelry files. The copies (hull, components) will then be added to the extras in the shipbuild.

The second file contain more 4 early ship that did not make the last ship pack
Ship file are 1.0 or higher
Ship race is Altarina.

Warning: If you are all ready using Mods/Models system you may have to do some rearranging of files. My ships will not load properly without the omegaMods files. I have tested my mods on the new update (1.11) and should be fine but I do not know if it will work with Kryo’s hull system. I have not have the time to test it.

3 kb
3521 dls
May 14, 2006
F-01 Galaxy
Ship Type: Altarian
Hull Type: Cargo

The F-01 Galaxy is my first heavy cargo freighter. Download contain only ship hull and extras, no components.
2 kb
2797 dls
May 14, 2006
D-01 Destroyer WarFalcon
Small Hull

A fast attack destroyer from the Omage Shipyards
34 kb
3834 dls
May 10, 2006
Omega Ship Pack01 From kenwebb Omega shipyard
Version 1.0 are higher
Collectors Edition needed
Warning: Some of the ship have extensive jewelry and may effect your game.

Race Altarian (all ship)
Hull are small to Huge

A-01sc Medium hull (Strike Cruiser)
A-11pc Medium hull ( Patrol Cruiser)
A-12bc Large hull (Battle Cruiser)

Large Hull-02 (Dreadnought)
Huge Hull-01 (Battleship)
Huge Hull-03 (Titan A-01)
Huge Hull-04 (Titan A-02)
Huge Hull-06 ( Leviathan)
A-02sc Huge Hull (Star carrier )

Small Platform-01
Medium Platform-02
Both are Orbital Weapons Platforms

Installing: unzip files and put all file in my game/Galiv2/ships directory
Make copies of anything you replace
1 kb
2758 dls
May 6, 2006
T-01 Warhound
Ship Type: Altarina
Hull Type: Cargo

The Warhound is a troop Transport. Download contain only ship hull and extras, no components.