6 kb
2997 dls
July 31, 2006
A collection if 6 freighter ship designs (hulls without components) One for each race except Drengin which have 2 (perhaps because they are soooo interested in trading... :-))
502 kb
7373 dls
July 31, 2006
This is the Drakh Raider from Babylon 5 as binarey-compressed X-File.
918 kb
3071 dls
July 31, 2006
This is the Drakh's Shuttle from Babylon 5 as binarey-compressed X-File.
5 kb
5214 dls
July 28, 2006
Several designs of ships that I commonly use during my gameplay. For the hull type, use Drengin. I used light gray for the hull color and dark gray for the trim, but have fun and experiment with different combinations of colors.

Contains designs for small, medium, large, and massive hull types. Maybe some designs for colony and other cargo hulls will come later. Designs are also all core designs. The only technologies needed are the ones required for different sized hulls.

You need the Collector's Edition along with version 1.0X or later.

Just extract the files into "My Documents\My Games\GalCiv2\ships"

9 kb
7452 dls
July 26, 2006
After Playing a few games, which i enjoyed, i realised I didn't like the amount of space aboard ships. The fighter held 16 space while the huge ships had only 80. I also noticed that even at the end of my game the small ships took only a few less weeks to build than the huge hulls. I wanted huge battleships full of stuff, and fighters that could be built quick.

I made this mod which spaces out the hull sizes, making the tiny and small hulls even smaller, and the large and huge hulls... huger. The medium hulls were tweaked a bit but stayed about the same. I also tweaked the costs and speeds and HP.

I also noticed that the ship hulls did not have to be identical. I made a standard hull, then a more sacious hull and a more robust hull (HP) for each size. I also renamed the hulls.

This mod will make most of the pre-made ships not work, but you can still make your own as normal. I may increase the mod to add back in pre-made ships.

Just one file to this mod. place it in the GalCiv2\Mods\Default\Data folder.

I play tested it through a whole game, and it functions as it should; let me know if you have a problem.
2 mb
4286 dls
July 24, 2006
This is the Drakh Mothership from Babylon 5 as binary-compressed X-File.
2 mb
3513 dls
July 22, 2006
This is the Drakh Cruiser from Babylon 5 as binary compressed X-File.
471 kb
15340 dls
July 15, 2006
Terran fighter pack

Something for you fighter freaks out there:

The pack contains tiny (fighters) and small (corvettes - or call them heavy fighters or whatever...) ships, 10 each, for the human ship style.

All of the ships are basic hulls with extras. No engines, weapons etc. attached. Note that you will have to research Advanced Hulls to get access to fighters 07 - 10. The reason is simply that I wanted to use the second human tiny hull (cockpit) for some of the fighters and it becomes available only then. All the others you should see in the ship designer right after you start a new game.

Be warned that some of them (especially the fighters) more or less look like aircraft (wings and stuff), but hey, that's what they do in pretty much any SF-movie, right? Anyway, you can look at the pics I included before extracting the files.

I stole the naming convention from Rabid_Monkey that he used in his great Imperial ship-pack:

z[designation] Croc-xx

Designation is:
FGT (fighter) - tiny or
CRV (corvette) - small.

You need GalCiv2 version 1.2 (might work with 1.1 but I couldn't check) and the Collector's Edition stuff to use them. Please update BEFORE you unzip the files.

Their .shipcfg-files are all less than 20 KB so they should not effect your gameplay too much.

INSTALLATION: Unzip the .xml and .shipcfg files into your ...\My Games\GalCiv2 or ...\My Games\GalCiv2\ships directory, depending on if you use folder names when unzipping or not.

Hope you like them,

have fun!
9 kb
4064 dls
July 6, 2006
Drengin Supremacy Ship Pack

A ship pack for the Drengins. These ships are unupgraded and should be useable from the start. Most ships include a lot of jewelry and could slow down your system.
1 - Huge Ship (Star Dreadnaught)
1 - Large Ship (Nova Starship)
1 - Medium Ship (Titan Cruiser)
1 - Small Ship (Vampyr)
1 - Tiny Ship (Star Striker)

Minimum Requirements:
GalCiv2 ver. 1.2
Collectors Edition
Kryo's Hull System Mod v1.7
9 kb
5919 dls
July 4, 2006
A ship pack for the Terrans. These ships are unupgraded and should be useable from the start. These took a long time to construct. The Largest ship uses over 100 peices of ship "jewelry".
1 - Huge Ship (Galaxy Starcruiser)
1 - Large Ship (Juggernaut)
1 - Medium Ship (Star Stryker)
1 - Small Ship (Dragonfly)
1 - Tiny Ship (Falcon)

Minimum Requirements:
GalCiv2 ver. 1.2
Collectors Edition
Kryo's Hull System Mod v1.7
19 kb
3731 dls
July 3, 2006
Michimex. & W.i.n.t.e.r present Winter's Ships (Pack 1)
*requires Kryo's Hull System Mod*

Contains Winter's old ship designs & Cargo hulls

Tarasque Class (original)
Hel Class
Freya (formerly troya)

Pegasos (formerly creta)
Asgard ... Njoy!
422 kb
4605 dls
June 29, 2006
Look here for the main description: http://forums.galciv2.com/?ForumID=348&AID=121966

Play your game without having to worry about constantly updating ship designs. Uses Croc411's ship models (don't worry about downloading them).

65 kb
4384 dls
June 22, 2006
Omega Colonial Fleet Pack 1.0

All ship design from the Omega Shipyard see the post here on the Galciv2 forum
for detail screen shots and further development.

Version 1.11 or higher
Collectors Edition needed
Omega Mod 1.0

Race Human (all Ship) 25 total
3 tiny
4 Small
6 Medium
5 Large
3 Huge
4 cargo

Warning: Some of the ship have extensive jewelry and may effect your game.

Installing: unzip files and open ships folder and put all file in
(My Documents/My game/Galciv2/ships) make any copies of anything you replace.

The Omega Mod files need to be installed first for the ship Pack to load popularly
652 kb
148898 dls
June 22, 2006
This is the Minbari Tinashi Light Cruiser from Babylon 5. See the readme.txt that is included in the ZIP for details.

v2.0 changes:
- added hardpoints inside the ships hull
- added thumbnail picture
- added XML example
- increased model size to be in line with my Earth Alliance Hyperion class cruiser
- slightly increased hardpoint size of weapons for easier access
34 kb
2904 dls
June 22, 2006
Omega Drengin Ship Pack 1.0

All ship design from the Omega Shipyard see the post here on the Galciv2 forum
for detail screen shots and further development.

Version 1.1 or higher
Collectors Edition needed
Omega Mod 1.0

Race Drengin (all Ship)
2 Tiny
3 Small Hulls
2 Medium Hulls
4 Large Hulls
3 Huge Hulls
4 Cargo

Warning: Some of the ship have extensive jewelry and may effect your game.

Installing: unzip files and open Dships folder and put all file in
(My Documents/My game/Galciv2/ships) make any copies of anything you replace.

The Omega Mod files need to be installed first for the ship Pack to load right.