5 mb
4340 dls
April 20, 2007
This is my Weapon FX Mod for Dread Lords, refining all Weapons of GC2 with new impressive effects and sounds!

copyrights: Stefan Gersdorf I-Mod Productions

5 mb
4378 dls
April 20, 2007
This is my Weapon FX Mod for Dark Avatar, refining all Weapons of GC2 with new impressive effects and sounds!

copyrights: Stefan Gersdorf I-Mod Productions

470 kb
8436 dls
April 20, 2007
This is a new Lightmap for the planets, to show up real cities.

This mod could decrease performance on older Pc'c cause it needs more memory

copyrights: Stefan Gersdorf I-Mod Productions
316 kb
2579 dls
January 5, 2007
Black Userinterface of the X3GC2 - Rise of the Gerandor Republic Mod

Copyrights: Stefan Gersdorf ( I-Mod Productions )

visit www.i-mod-productions.de (site is in english too)

Install: just unzip into the Main Directory
2 mb
3241 dls
December 1, 2006
A Starwars Blaster

copyrights: Stefan Gersdorf (I-Mod Productions) alias Terraner05

Check out www.stefan-gersdorf.magix.net for Trailer dir: Blaster
625 kb
3137 dls
November 13, 2006
A Very new Disruptor effect (selfmade), you never have seen something like this before...

Trailer is inside too,

Trailer Link:

copyrights: Stefan Gersdorf (I-Mod Productions) alias Terraner05

668 kb
3705 dls
June 22, 2006
This is my Startrek Disruptor effect + sound

you only have to put the files in the right directories so don't forget to make a backup

Good looking on Klingonships ;)

Have Fun and mail me
395 kb
2199 dls
April 6, 2006
This is a screenshot of my new Disruptor effect.

This is a little Preview of the Great Startrek-Mod.

You get Information on "forum.startrekgc2.net"

356 kb
3460 dls
April 6, 2006
This is my changed Phasor, you only have to put these files into ->"GFX" -> "weapons" directory

Have Fun and enjoy the battles!

Please give me a response of what you think of it :D
356 kb
2598 dls
March 30, 2006
This is my changed Phasor, you only have to put these files into ->"GFX" -> "weapons" directory

Have Fun and enjoy the battles!