December 18, 2007
Do not download the .zip file from this library, it does not contain the mod. Instead, download it from the link above.
DOWNLOAD: GC2 FORUM THREAD: http://forums.galciv2.com/?forumid=162&aid=170648 I-MOD FORUM THREAD: I-MOD SCREENSHOT GALLERY:
DESCRIPTION: High Resolution Graphics Mod v1.2 for DARK AVATAR by LogicSequence
This mod does the following: > Replaces the textures for all the races' homeworlds with new, original higher resolution versions. > Replaces all of the second habitable planets in the Races' home star systems with higher resolution textures. > Replaces all Class 0 planet textures with new, original higher resolution versions. > Replaces all ring and moon textures with new, original higher resolution versions. > Replaces all cloud textures with new, original higher resolution versions. > Includes authentic all-new Raw Terrain maps for all of the races' homeworlds. > Adds more color variation to the background nebulae. > Increases the quality of the star graphics. > Enables stars to give off colored light specific to their type. > Replaces all of the (class 0) planets in the Races' home star systems with higher resolution textures unique to their solar system. > And more!
Credits: > Mod Creator: LogicSequence > Art and Graphics: LogicSequence > Mod Director: LogicSequence
Beta Testers: > LogicSequence
Original Beta Testers: > LogicSequence > Kryo
Special Thanks to: > Kryo > Cari_Elf > CodeCritter > Stefan and I-Mod Productions > The entire Stardock GalCiv2 team
Content ©2007 by LogicSequence and LogicTEK Inc. All Rights Reserved. Some Images ©2007 by LogicSequence and LogicTEK Inc. All Rights Reserved. Re-distribution of those images is specifically prohibited.
The High Resolution Graphics Mod (HRG Mod) is an amateur endeavour with no relations to any of the instances mentioned below.
Galactic Civilizations, Galactic Civilizations: Altarian Prophecy, Galactic Civilizations Deluxe, Galactic Civilizations 2: Dread Lords, Galactic Civilizations 2 Gold, Galactic Civilizations 2: Dark Avatar, and Galactic Civilizations 2: Twilight of the Arnor, ©2003, ©2004, ©2006, ©2007, and ©2008 Stardock Corporation.
Galactic Civilizations, characters, names, and all related indicia are considered trademarks of Stardock Corporation and ©2003, ©2004, ©2006, ©2007, and ©2008 Stardock Corporation.

July 27, 2007
Implement All Racial Penalties (Negative Bonuses)
By General Pants
This mod implements negative racial bonuses for all racial abilities, including miniaturization, logistics, home planet quality, interest rates, and all of the exotic worlds colonization abilities. Every ability has been given one or more penalty options, which award bonus points for a reduction in the ability score.
Using this mod, you can make your Ultimate Jellyfish Race, who can't colonize Barren worlds, but can automatically colonize water worlds, and who need extra space in their ships for their watery "atmosphere." Enjoy!
This is a mod of the "Implement all Racial Abilities" mod by me, which was itself a mod of "MrKorx's Miniaturization & Logistics Mod" by MrKorx (with the latter author's permission).
V1.1: Based on player feedback, I have lowered the value of the Colonize Exotic Worlds abilities considerably. I originally set them high because I felt that they would be especially problematic for the AI. Of course, I don't recommend giving the AI these penalties anyway, so that doesn't really make much sense, does it? V1.2: Fixed minor typo that might or might not have affected play. Thanks to Mongo64 for pointing it out. V1.21: (unreleased) Updated readme file. V1.3: corrected minor typo pointed out by nooha.
INSTRUCTIONS: Extract these to yourfavoritmod/Data... for some reason, the AbilitiesBonus.xml will not work if you put it in Data/English, so please don't do that.

June 6, 2007
NOTICE: I had forgotten to fully update the United Planets issues. I have fixed the problem, so please redownload.
I have updated my mod for Dark Avatar. After installing this mod, unzip to your mod folder. Then place the folders in the main mod folder. The English file contains everything in the original file, plus a few modest additions to make the Range Modules work. Place the English file in the data folder of your mod directory.
New Starbase Modules - New attack and defense modules for all Evil Weapons and Good Defense - New trading module for Neutral - A new influence module for Good - Two new Range Modules - Four new repair modules - Early defense modules - New protective field modules for military starbases (By TheShadowHawk) - Deffensive Stations, which work like battle stations
New Techs
- Updated techs from v1.2 example mod from Dread Lords Repair Techs Hull Techs 1 new logistics tech - Starship Range Techs All new techs will appear in groups
New United Planet Issues - Protect Minor Races (Three Years) - Protect Minor Races (Forever) - UP Headquarters (Forever) - Susspend Evil Trade - (None - Three Years)
The original mod for Dread Lords had a issue that protected starbases. However, there was a problem with the AI where they would try to attack anyway, causing lag time. I have commented this issue out. I have not tested thissue with Dark Avatar. If an one wants to try the issue and see if it works in Dark Avatar, simply uncomment the issue in the UPnited Planets XML file. If anyone has a fix for this problem, please do not hessitate to contact me.
If anyone has any suggestions or complaints, please let me know! You can either contact me here, or on the forum at http://forums.galciv2.com/index.aspx?AID=153127