54 kb
3595 dls
May 6, 2006
This is the Shadowfighter from Babylon 5 as binary compressed X-File. Read the included readme.txt for details.
1 kb
2758 dls
May 6, 2006
T-01 Warhound
Ship Type: Altarina
Hull Type: Cargo

The Warhound is a troop Transport. Download contain only ship hull and extras, no components.
816 kb
9972 dls
May 6, 2006
This is the Earth Force Hyperion Class Cruiser from Babylon 5 as binary compressed X-File. Read the included readme.txt for details.

v1.2 changes:
- lighting bug fixed
- texture maps improved
66 kb
4032 dls
May 6, 2006
This is the Shadowscout from Babylon 5 as binary compressed X-File. Read the included readme.txt for details.
2 kb
2182 dls
April 25, 2006
This is a scenario and map with 5 stars, 1 planet each.
You are the custom player.

Your opponents:

You hold the center position, and all the planets are class 26.
There are no resources to be found, only anomolies.
The map is 5x5.
Starting funds - 20,000bc

I wasn't sure what to put in for the mod version info. I am on 1.1B4 currently, but I don't know if it makes a difference with just a scenario and map file.

And sorry, I forgot to put a readme file in with it.
Copy the map file to your C:\Program Files\Stardock\TotalGaming\GalCiv2\Data\CustomMaps folder.
Copy the scenario file to your C:\Program Files\Stardock\TotalGaming\GalCiv2\Data\English\Scenarios folder.
Then select the 5 Way 1 Planet Each map in the Custom Map list, and the matching scenario, as you are starting a new game.
5 kb
4008 dls
April 25, 2006
Design your ships using the Basic Shipyard Scenario. All 1st lvl hulls from tiny-huge,weapons,defense,engine,sensor and life support are researched.
Use the Advanced Shipyards Scenario for designing the ultimate space ship.

Works great with the Kryo's hull system mod found elsewhere in the galactic library.

Unzip the files to "\GalCiv2\Data\English\Scenarios" to use.
by Maze
8 kb
3319 dls
April 25, 2006
The Galactic Alliance custom race logo.
809 kb
4916 dls
April 23, 2006
Terran Alliance Federated Fleet Multi Ship pack ** For use with v 1.1 beta2 and later only **. 19 Human ships of various classes and Hull sizes designed for use by the Terran Alliance. Ships are base hulls only. No Weapons, Engines, Defenses, Sensors, or Modules are attached. The player can add things at their pleasure. Most will appear in the game with only the required Hull size tech researched. "Read Me First.text" file included in zip has full instructions.
Version 1.1 uploaded to correct issue with Heinlein Base colony ship not appearing. Only change is corrected xml file for that ship. To fix in eoriginal version, there are two methods, you only need to do one.

1)Open the Heinleinbase.xml file, and make the following changes:
Model line should Read: 'UD_HeinleinBase0' not 'UD_HeinleinBase'. Description line should read: 'Heinlein Base'. (No quotes).


2)Change the filename of the 'S0_UD_HeinleinBase0.shipcfg' file to 'S0_UD_HeinleinBase.shipcfg'
164 kb
5900 dls
April 23, 2006
This is the Brakiri Battle Cruiser from Babylon 5 as binary compressed X-File. Read the included readme.txt for details.
251 kb
7496 dls
April 23, 2006
This is the Excalibur from Babylon 5 as binary compressed X-File. Read the included readme.txt for details.
39 kb
4746 dls
April 21, 2006
I got sick of having to send ship after ship to invade planets. After reading a superman comic i realized what it was that was missing. There needed to be more powerful soldiers and more powerful invasion tactics. So i created this mod. The game is still balanced because both you and your opponents can research these techs. After downloading just replace your files with mine. Happy invasions!
18 kb
2647 dls
April 21, 2006
I randomly named this "Trilipse" but a few minutes later I noticed that isn't really right. Either way, here's another fresh logo from the oven.
2 kb
2443 dls
April 21, 2006
The first few games I've played I was wondered what was wrong. Then it hit me all races only excell at a few things,
but have no weaknesses. Ofcourse thats not realy the case, as in normal live if you are good at one thing you bound to be
not so good at something els.

This is my first attemt at giving you the chooice to create your own flawed creation. The added bonus is that if u make a
very weak race it grants you the extra points to improve your research for instance.

Its my first attemt, not tested toughly so it might be a little bit flawed. Sugestions can be emailed to
15 kb
2888 dls
April 21, 2006
Dont be confused with the purple heart medal, This is something else. A race logo to be precise.
15 mb
19238 dls
April 21, 2006
A pack to bring the Daleks as they were originally concieved into GalCiv 2. All images rendered in lightwave by me.
- Portraits
- Logos
- Raceconfig
- .bik diplomacy animations (NB: I don't know how to get these into the game, but they are included anyway).