1 mb
4670 dls
August 19, 2008
*1st Starship expansion pack for the Federation and Empire mod*

For these ships to work you require my ship packs of Federation, Klingon, and Romulan. They can be found in the Library:

For further updates on the Federation and Empire mod, go to:

Included in this pack:
Botany Bay (Cargo); Larson (Medium)
D-5 Soulkiller (Large)
V-X Valdore (Large)

Screenshots of all ships are included.

Simply unzip files to their appropriate folders in:
C:\Documents and Settings\My Documents\My Games\GC2TwilightArnor\

Note: The Botany Bay will also work with the Terran shipstyle.
16 kb
2560 dls
August 19, 2008
Includes more ships than the oiginal.
28 kb
6095 dls
August 19, 2008
Picked from various sources, this STARS file now includes 7264 different star names (previous version had only 7208).

Best used with the Universal Randomiser by yours truly. ;)

Place the contained STARS.txt in the /Data/English folder of GC2, DA or TA.
9 mb
9702 dls
July 22, 2008
Asa RaceMod for TA v1.9a

-featuring a 13th unique Race,completely replacing the custom default race.
-goal of this mod is to deliver a seemlessly integrating unique race instead of the default custom race selectable

The Asa Race(Viking Gods) focuses heavily on terraforming/biology
ie. Planetary development, defensive tacticts and hull techs.

Please give any feedback, and report your suggestions and bugs at http://www.i-mod-productions.com/showthread.php?t=1104
or into

Credits to:

Kryo, for his KHSM mod, which has been partly implemented (all Torian FakeHulls)

Zyxpsilon for making the race logo & PI icons & query icons

NastyTang for great planet work

Stefan for his weapon fx and tweaking

No credits go to Gauntlet,since I found the race pic at an arts site long before his mod :P


1. Delete any older AsaRaceMod Folder
2. Extract the zip into ...\GalCiv2\Twilight\Mods
3. run asa.bat
4. select asa racemod in gameoptions screen
5. if the path still points to a ..\GalCiv2\Mods folder click default and repeat step 4 :)


v1.9b will be available soon, which will activate the asa specific terraincolorschemes and probably include some new gfx stuff.
Depending on feedback, maybe some general tweaks as well.

Happy testing
2 mb
6076 dls
July 22, 2008
*Now with Player Useable Shipstyle*

The Fleet of the mighty reptilian Gorn Confederation. These vessels are based off of the Gorn found in Star Fleet Battles. (note: TV and FASA versions are very different)

18 Ship Classes, a Ship Style File so now you can pick the Gorn style ships during race setup, and a Gorn Race Logo.

Zip File contains screenshots of all 18 Vessels:

Tiny Classes:
Claw Starfighter; Gecko Shuttle; and G-18 Serpent Starfighter
Small Classes:
Slayer; Hunter
Medium Classes:
Dragonfire; Fire Lizzrd
Large Classes:
Chimericon; Doom Lizard; Dragonicon
Huge Classes:
Tyrannosaurus; Godzilla
Cargo Classes:
Basilisk; Hatchery; Monitor; Salamander; Troglodon; and Stegosaurus

(Note on names): These names are based upon Human intel reports. Obviously the Gorn would not be aware of Godzilla(but I'm sure they would be fans).

These ships will only work properly with Twilight of Arnor expansion pack.

Simply unzip files(except for the ShipCfg folder) to their appropriate folders in: C:\Documents and Settings\My Documents\My Games\GC2TwilightArnor\

Now for the ShipCfg folder:
Do not overwrite your ShipCfg folder! Take the files provided in the pack's ShipCfg folder and copy them to:
C:\Program Files\Stardock\TotalGaming\GalCiv2\Twilight\Data\ShipCfg

Backup the older folder if you wish but it won't mess it up.
3 mb
7225 dls
July 22, 2008
*With Player Useable Shipstyle*

Vessels of the Kzinti Hegemony of the Star Fleet Universe. 19 Ship Classes, a Ship Style File so now you can pick the Kzinti style ships during race setup, and 2 Kzinti Race Logos, 1 from the Star Fleet Universe and another from the Star Trek Animated Series.

Also I'd like to thank atlas7d for providing the tiny ship classes and a bit of inspiration.

Zip File contains screenshots of all 19 Vessels:

Tiny Classes:
W'tsai starfighter; Slasher Assault Shuttle
Small Classes:
Hunter; Screamer; and Slashing Talon
Medium Classes:
Devourer; Predator; and Ravager
Large Classes:
Ripping-Fang; Subjugator; and Tyrant
Huge Classes:
Dominator; and Fanged-God
Cargo Classes:
Cathouse; Forger; Fortune Seeker; Hellstone; Name Seeker; and Venomed Tooth

These ships will only work properly with Twilight of Arnor expansion pack.

Simply unzip files(except for the ShipCfg folder) to their appropriate folders in: C:\Documents and Settings\My Documents\My Games\GC2TwilightArnor\

Now for the ShipCfg folder:
Do not overwrite your ShipCfg folder! Take the files provided in the pack's ShipCfg folder and copy them to:
C:\Program Files\Stardock Games\GalCiv2\Twilight\Data\ShipCfg

Backup the older folder if you wish but it won't mess it up.
513 kb
4197 dls
July 22, 2008
This mod replaces TA's custom race with the Orgenesi Coalition, a species of tough, courageous serpent-like beings.

Custom Ship Style, which should work with the AI and any tech tree
Custom Tech tree, improvements, and ship components
Detailed tech descriptions and background story

I know it uses one of TA's extra race pictures and logos (though the logo is recolored), I like how they look. Same goes for the improvements. I may make my own logo later, but other than that...
35 kb
3518 dls
July 22, 2008
Mechwarrior: Dark Age, Republic of the Sphere Logo
253 kb
2485 dls
July 22, 2008
Voted Least Exciting mod, nine years running!

Just a back port of tags updating the XML files from Dread Lords and Dark Avatar to use the Twilight Engine - Where tags existed previously, old values were used, where not, twilight or DA values were used as appropriate.

There should be no issues using these with the Twilight Engine, however changes in Game Mechanics *outside* those of the xml files may introduce balance issues - Intelligence Agents, Luck, Creativity may have unforeseen consequences.

The actual campaigns for Dread lords and Dark Avatar need to be copied to the Twilight campaign folder to be recognized.
467 kb
2222 dls
July 10, 2008
Firstly, let me state for the record that this "mod," such as it is, is not intended to make any sort of judgment on the designers or anyone else associated with this game. In fact, it is primarily for my own personal use; as much as I love the game wholly, I have a somewhat quirky personality that "twitches" whenever I spot a typo or grammar error. This mod is the culmination of my efforts toward pacifying my "twitchy eye" as it were. I would only like to say this: I love the English language, with all its quirks and bizarre words. It is also a beastly language to wrestle with and I am by no means a professional grammarian; my love of the language is strictly casual. That being said, it's more than likely I've introduced a few of my own (I like commas, for instance; the times are a changing... the poor beast is dying a lingering death, I'm afraid.) I had initially started to comment all my corrections, but that got to be tiresome, so I subsequently removed most of the comments. The few that remain are for those few instances where there was a great deal of confusion (on my part) as to what was intended. I made the best choice that I could, from my limited knowledge, and hope that it suffices. I have otherwise altered no other files and hope that this will be looked on in the manner with which it is offered: a simply and humble token to the designer and the game community at-large, in appreciation for this delightful game that has devoured so much of my time already. Keep up the great work!

Now updated (finally) for v1.95... just in time for 1.96 to come out! :L
2 mb
10970 dls
July 10, 2008
*Now with Player Useable Shipstyle*

Vessels of the Romulan Star Empire. 23rd Century ships. These are based on ST canon and non-canon sources. 21 Ship Classes, a Ship Style File so now you can pick the Romulan style ships during race setup, and a Romulan Race Logo originally posted to the Library by Sadak.

Zip File contains screenshots of all 21 Vessels:

Tiny Classes:
R-1 Raptor
Small Classes:
S-3 Free FLight; S-9 Wind Carrier; S-11 Bird of Prey
Medium Classes:
T-2 Death Talon; T-10 Bright One; T-5 Fire Swarm
Large Classes:
V-1 Starglider; V-4 Wing of Vengance; V-7 Whitewind; V-8 Bird of Prey; V-9 Night Flyer; V-11 Stormbird
Huge Classes:
Y-1 Condor; and Z-1 Nova
Cargo Classes:
I-4 Graffler; J-3 Starlifter; J-4 Baydron; J-8 Moorabbin; M-4 Wings of Justice; and M-8 Nightwing;

These ships will only work properly with Twilight of Arnor expansion pack.

Simply unzip files(except for the ShipCfg folder) to their appropriate folders in: C:\Documents and Settings\My Documents\My Games\GC2TwilightArnor\

Now for the ShipCfg folder:
Do not overwrite your ShipCfg folder! Take the files provided in the pack's ShipCfg folder and copy them to:
C:\Program Files\Stardock\TotalGaming\GalCiv2\Twilight\Data\ShipCfg

Backup the older folder if you wish but it won't mess it up.
128 kb
2241 dls
July 10, 2008
The Terran Republic from the Galactic Wars mod project which i had to scrap.
4 mb
16281 dls
July 10, 2008
*Now with Player Useable Shipstyle*

3rd Edition to the SF Federation Vessels. Please delete vessels from previous edition because they will not work with the new Player useable ship style. So now when you pick the Federation Ship Style you will start the game with 3 correct Federation Vessels. 26 total vessels and a Federation Race Logo(originally posted to the Library by XISKIO.

Zip File contains screenshots of all 26 Vessels:

Tiny Classes:
Federation Shuttlecraft; F-18 Hornet II Starfighter
Small Classes:
Apollo; Charger; Cook; Saladin; and Surya
Medium Classes:
Ajax; Champlain; Kiev; Kingston; Miranda; Ranger; and Republic
Large Classes:
Archer; Challenger; Constitution; and Kirov
Huge Classes:
Federation and Mars
Cargo Classes:
Free Trader; MacArthur; Mayflower; Medussa; Prospector; and Ptolemy

These ships will only work properly with Twilight of Arnor expansion pack.

Simply unzip files(except for the ShipCfg folder) to their appropriate folders in: C:\Documents and Settings\My Documents\My Games\GC2TwilightArnor\

Now for the ShipCfg folder:
Do not overwrite your ShipCfg folder! Take the files provided in the pack's ShipCfg folder and copy them to:
C:\Program Files\Stardock\TotalGaming\GalCiv2\Twilight\Data\ShipCfg

Backup the older folder if you wish but it won't mess it up.
382 kb
5304 dls
July 10, 2008
For all you halo fans out there, here is the Covenent, from Halo! They are beast at military, but have a short live to conquer the galaxy. Have extremly low everything exept military, but come with all the starter offence branches, including Adavnced Logistics (and all proceding), Space weapons (and all proceding),and Planitary Invation (and all proceding).

Please comment, and tell me if i spelled The Covenet wrong in the game. I am not the biggest on spelling, and i am also not the biggest on Halo. Comment with improvments.

All imiges (agian, cant spell) go to respected owner, readme included. Icon is not clear, i dont have photoshop, so if anyone can fix that... Greatly apreciated.

You will find that this race is mostly just for fun. But it is still fun to play with in a tiny galaxy.

Compatible with Gaunlet03's large race mods. May delete race logo number 1101, trade screen 1101, and race logo 1101.

6 kb
1945 dls
July 10, 2008
place these in \My Documents\My Games\GC2TwilightArnor\ships