2 mb
3774 dls
October 24, 2007
These 24 ships should work in the metaverse since no mods were installed during the design and mods were deactivated in the main menu. Please read the readme.txt for further informations and how to install. These ships will also work in regular games.

Requirements: GalCiv2 Dark Avatar 1.6 (i don't know if it will work on older versions too), Collectors Edition Structures if you don't have the latest patch.
34 kb
5147 dls
October 24, 2007
A race pic and logo for creating a custom race.
28 kb
5674 dls
October 24, 2007
Yautja race picture and logo for custom races.
396 kb
2567 dls
October 2, 2007
This mod removes the glare effect on the minimap.
For Dread Lord's ONLY!
There is a separate mod for Dark Avatar.

Rename this file with a .dxpack extension and copy (overwriting the original) into:
C:\Program Files\Stardock\TotalGaming\GalCiv2\Screens
(or to whatever location you installed GalCiv2 to)

You should first copy the original MainWnd.dxpack file to another location as a backup, in case you want to go back to the original.
632 kb
1992 dls
September 13, 2007
Language Mod for german speaking users.

This is version 3.0 - the final version of my german language Mod for DarkAvatar v. 1.50

fixed a few minor bugs in the modded Englishfolder
now really includes full Campaign DarkAvatar
and Campaign DreadLords (reworked) in german
the Turoials DL/DA in german

as allways use this mod only for DarkAvatar v.1.50
otherwise... RTD
633 kb
2396 dls
September 13, 2007
Language Mod for german speaking users.

This is version 3.0 - the final version of my german language Mod for DarkAvatar v. 1.61

fixed a few minor bugs in the modded English folder
now really includes full Campaign DarkAvatar
and Campaign DreadLords (reworked) in german
the Turoials DL/DA in german

as allways use this mod only for DarkAvatar v.1.61
otherwise... RTD
30 kb
4057 dls
September 13, 2007
I made this logo for my custom race called "BioX", and I thoght that maybe someone else also would like this logo. So, here it is.
Hope you like it.
1 mb
2496 dls
September 13, 2007
Custom logos if anyone wants to use these for there conversions its okay you have my permission. to install just place in your my documents logo folder well enjoy.
6 mb
18917 dls
September 13, 2007
This mod is ship designs inspired by Federation designs from Star Trek. All designs require the newest KHSM, and some may also require General Pants' lights and jewelry mod. Enjoy!
13 mb
15943 dls
August 15, 2007
Hi everyone, this is an upgrade for the Gauntlet's Race Mod 3.0, therefore you MUST have that mod to use this one.

This mod adds

A race image for each custom pic called RaceRobot which can be used to replace a custom races generic robot informant image, thus you can get status reports from your own race pic instead of a robot, all of my custom races have this enabled. You can do this for your via their XML file.

The custom races now have custom home-world's using custom planet images too.

15 Planet Images
4 more custom races (total 18)
5 Race Pics (total 60)

70 logos from many other mods

NOTE: Every attempt was made to contact the authors of these various logos to ask permissions for their use, however due to the nature of the internet and gaming/forums, not everyone is still going to be around to answer their given emails or PMs. I decided to add the logos anyways, and below is the authors full credit! If anyone authored these logos and does not approve of their use please feel free to contact me and I will remove them from this mod. Since these logos are already available from Stardock Central's Library for free and universal use, I don't see much conflict in using them.

Logo Mod Name : Author : Logos (Some recolorings are by me)

Gemstones Logos 1-10 : Rakeesh : Race Logos 1017-1023 and 1062/1066
Coloured Logos [Sic] : Alex699 : Race Logos 1024-1059
Society of Tonberry : Dillonzane : Race Logos 1003 and 1061
Replacement Logos : Leo Powers : Race Logos 1007-1009 and 1067
Terran Empire Logos : Reveilled : Race Logo 1001
Trillipse : ThijsK : Race Logo 1010
Purple Star : ThijsK : Race Logo 1011
BSG 12 Colony Flags : Josh_88 : Race Logos 1012-1016 and 1068
Star Trek Logos : Satyrlord : Race Logos 1004, 1060, 1069 !!!Artwork by Kristian Trigwell!!!

Colonial Fleet Logo : Geckomind : Race Logos 1000 and 1002
HW Custom Logo : Spartan-101 : Race Logos 1005-1006

Special Thanks to Satyrlord for getting back to me!

Special Thanks to General Pants for letting me use his descriptions for race customization!

And Especially Special Thanks to Drengin who I think is this Mod's number one Fan!
18 mb
12001 dls
August 15, 2007
This mod adds 55 Race Portraits! Thats right 55!

In addition to that it modifies some minor races, and bring their number up to a total of 30 different minor races, thats almost triple the original amount in the game!

This third version also adds 14 Custom Ship Styles that won't oversize parts, and 15 new Custom Races, and New Custom Race Options!

If you downloaded Gauntlet's Minor Race Mod, please delete it and the race portraits it came with, and use this instead!
1 kb
2870 dls
August 9, 2007
always wanted the dread lord hulls? get em here
17 kb
1893 dls
August 6, 2007
For the Aussies like myself who want to stomp the universe under the Australian Flag.
15 mb
2649 dls
July 31, 2007
Beta 1 of my Transformers mod for GCII DA

Full install directions and self extracting exe in zip.

Comments are as always welcomed.

This version changes all major races and a few other images. More to follow in Beta 2.
7 kb
6847 dls
July 27, 2007
Implement All Racial Penalties (Negative Bonuses)

By General Pants

This mod implements negative racial bonuses for all racial abilities, including miniaturization, logistics, home planet quality, interest rates, and all of the exotic worlds colonization abilities. Every ability has been given one or more penalty options, which award bonus points for a reduction in the ability score.

Using this mod, you can make your Ultimate Jellyfish Race, who can't colonize Barren worlds, but can automatically colonize water worlds, and who need extra space in their ships for their watery "atmosphere." Enjoy!

This is a mod of the "Implement all Racial Abilities" mod by me, which was itself a mod of "MrKorx's Miniaturization & Logistics Mod" by MrKorx (with the latter author's permission).

V1.1: Based on player feedback, I have lowered the value of the Colonize Exotic Worlds abilities considerably. I originally set them high because I felt that they would be especially problematic for the AI. Of course, I don't recommend giving the AI these penalties anyway, so that doesn't really make much sense, does it?
V1.2: Fixed minor typo that might or might not have affected play. Thanks to Mongo64 for pointing it out.
V1.21: (unreleased) Updated readme file.
V1.3: corrected minor typo pointed out by nooha.

Extract these to yourfavoritmod/Data... for some reason, the AbilitiesBonus.xml will not work if you put it in Data/English, so please don't do that.