December 18, 2007
Do not download the .zip file from this library, it does not contain the mod. Instead, download it from the link above.
DOWNLOAD: GC2 FORUM THREAD: http://forums.galciv2.com/?forumid=162&aid=170648 I-MOD FORUM THREAD: I-MOD SCREENSHOT GALLERY:
DESCRIPTION: High Resolution Graphics Mod v1.2 for DARK AVATAR by LogicSequence
This mod does the following: > Replaces the textures for all the races' homeworlds with new, original higher resolution versions. > Replaces all of the second habitable planets in the Races' home star systems with higher resolution textures. > Replaces all Class 0 planet textures with new, original higher resolution versions. > Replaces all ring and moon textures with new, original higher resolution versions. > Replaces all cloud textures with new, original higher resolution versions. > Includes authentic all-new Raw Terrain maps for all of the races' homeworlds. > Adds more color variation to the background nebulae. > Increases the quality of the star graphics. > Enables stars to give off colored light specific to their type. > Replaces all of the (class 0) planets in the Races' home star systems with higher resolution textures unique to their solar system. > And more!
Credits: > Mod Creator: LogicSequence > Art and Graphics: LogicSequence > Mod Director: LogicSequence
Beta Testers: > LogicSequence
Original Beta Testers: > LogicSequence > Kryo
Special Thanks to: > Kryo > Cari_Elf > CodeCritter > Stefan and I-Mod Productions > The entire Stardock GalCiv2 team
Content ©2007 by LogicSequence and LogicTEK Inc. All Rights Reserved. Some Images ©2007 by LogicSequence and LogicTEK Inc. All Rights Reserved. Re-distribution of those images is specifically prohibited.
The High Resolution Graphics Mod (HRG Mod) is an amateur endeavour with no relations to any of the instances mentioned below.
Galactic Civilizations, Galactic Civilizations: Altarian Prophecy, Galactic Civilizations Deluxe, Galactic Civilizations 2: Dread Lords, Galactic Civilizations 2 Gold, Galactic Civilizations 2: Dark Avatar, and Galactic Civilizations 2: Twilight of the Arnor, ©2003, ©2004, ©2006, ©2007, and ©2008 Stardock Corporation.
Galactic Civilizations, characters, names, and all related indicia are considered trademarks of Stardock Corporation and ©2003, ©2004, ©2006, ©2007, and ©2008 Stardock Corporation.

October 29, 2007
By Bluestreak101, StevenJ Contact StevenJ61@aol.com
This ship pack includes thirty new craft, all based on the Terran ship style, unlike any other current Terran ship pack created thus far. This pack includes new frigates, starfighters, heavy starfighters, destroyers, and super capital ships plus special bonuses such as defense satilites, mobile spacestation model, and probes. It even has freightors, troop ships, colony ships, mining ships, constructors etc. You get the idea. All these are my design. If anyone wants to use these in any other mod, feel to use it just make sure to credit me and drop me an email to let me know. This took me quiet a while to compile so have fun! All you need to do is extract it to your Dark Avator Ship file in the mydocuments/ my games folder and start a new game with a race that uses the Terran ship style! Have fun. No fancy jewlery mods were used in the creation of this ship pack!
extract to C:\Documents and Settings\("Your Profile User name")\My Documents\My Games\GC2DarkAvatar\ships
More pictures of the ships in this pack are availble at this website.