242 kb
3799 dls
May 27, 2006
This is the Centauri Carrier as binary compressed X-File.
I have place some dummies into the ship body.You must zoom in the Model and you see the dummys.Read the included readme.txt for details.
72 kb
3013 dls
May 22, 2006
This is a modified TechTree with research costs 8 times more expensive. It is just kind of a very very slow Tech Tree.

I hope you enjoy it as much as I do.

Kisses from me...

Edna K.
5 kb
2965 dls
May 22, 2006
Ever wanted different names for your stars? This mod changes the star names to be those from the classic game Star Control 2! Contains stars like 'Beta Hydrae' and 'Epsilon Eridani', along with famous stars like 'Betelgeuse' and 'Procyon'. Makes GalCiv2 a bit more sci-fi!

v1.2 - Corrected a few spelling errors.
v1.1 - Star list now randomised!
21 kb
2397 dls
May 22, 2006
Custom Hyrule logo from the L.O.Z series. Enjoy.
800 kb
4122 dls
May 22, 2006
[Moderator's Note: We do not normally accept portraits of this kind but B5 series creator JMS has tended to be supportive of fan art so we are making an exception in this case].

If you don#t like it, never mind. Just wanted to add soemthing to the B5 feeling. :)
Unluckily I wasn't able to find a Shadow pic.
1 mb
8550 dls
May 22, 2006
I whipped this up by converting a Bridge Commander model and adding hard-points. The textures are reasonable, and it has a fairly low poly-count. It shouldn't put much of a dent in performance.

UPDATE: This is a complete rewrite of my earlier release with smoother curves and proper colors on the ends of the nacells. I also resized and rearranged the hardpoints. I believe it's an improvement.

1 mb
7941 dls
May 22, 2006
"It can go forward, it can go backward, and it can shoot. That's all about it." - Earth Alliance Senate Commission on Military Effectiveness

v2.0 changes:
- fixed lighting bug, the Nova will now correctly receive light from the top
- reduced size to be more in line with the Hyperion and Olympus Class
- changed engine hardpoints. the first 4 engine hardpoints are inside the models engines now. if you
double click on an engine in the ingame ship editor the firsz 4 engines will be placed automatically there.
That way the engines will not destroy the look and feel of the ship. There are still 4 visible engine hardpoints
available though.
- added thumbnail and XML example
1 mb
9793 dls
May 22, 2006
This is the Earth Force Omega Class Destroyer from Babylon 5 as binary compressed X-File.

v2.0 changes:
- increased size to be more in line with the Hyperion and Olympus Class, note that
I had to remove the rotating hull animation because with it the game wasnt able to scale
the ship correctly (way too large on the galactic map, or way too small in combat depending on the
models real size)
- changed engine hardpoints. the first engine hardpoints are inside the models engines now. if you
double click on an engine in the ingame ship editor the firsz 4 engines will be placed automatically there.
That way the engines will not destroy the look and feel of the ship. There are still visible engine hardpoints
available though.
- added thumbnail and XML example
118 kb
9303 dls
May 22, 2006
This is the Earth Force Thunderbolt Class Starfury from Babylon 5 as binary compressed X-File. Read the included readme.txt for details.

v1.1 changelog:
- lighting bug fixed
- thumbnail and XML example addded
1 mb
4681 dls
May 22, 2006
This is the Vree's Xill (Large Saucer) from Babylon 5as binary compressed X-File including thumbnail picture and an XML example for ease of use. Please not that the majority of the hardpoints are inside the ship except for 4 external hardpoints.
109 kb
5068 dls
May 18, 2006
Use symbols from the Freespace universe in GalCiv2!

This pack includes symbols of the Galactic Terran Alliance, the Parliamentary Vasudan Navy, the Hammer of Light and the Galactic Terran-Vasudan Alliance. Click on the thumbnail for a preview of all four symbols.
2 mb
7386 dls
May 18, 2006
This is the Vorlon style ship pack from Babylon 5 with 10 ships as binary compressed X-File.
I have place the dummies into the ship body.You must zoom in the Model and you see the dummys.Shadow and Vorlon ships look comical with engines and equipment strapped to the outer hull. Read the included readme.txt for details.
For more fun,use the Mod "invisible ship components" from robalis666
89 kb
2508 dls
May 18, 2006
A number of files containing GalCiv 2 in-game text, edited for grammar, readability, consistency, and logic.

With these files: small hulls are no longer "ideal for a heavy figher," you no longer equip your ships with "qauntum driver II," UP votes display as changes/week (rather than /month), large and huge hulls are presented with their correct logistics values, and much more.

A total of 10 files (out of a total 18) are corrected:

TechTree, GC2_Ships, InvTactics, Political Parties, Anomalies, Starbase Modules, GC2_Types, Planet Improvements, Events, UP Issues.

Four files (MapRaceInfo, ResourceTypes, CustomPlanets, and AbilityBonuses) are fine as is. RaceConfig is fine, and probably shouldn't be messed with (by me).

The only .xml files left to edit are three big ones: Flavor Text, GC2_Conversations, and GC2_Hints. I hope to tackle the first two pretty soon.
26 kb
2915 dls
May 16, 2006
Cutting circles gets you... cut circles? who would have guessed. Enjoy the cutted cuttery of cutted circles. (which were cutted, by circles)

Race logo.
35 kb
2328 dls
May 16, 2006