
April 6, 2006
Six ships in the style of Star Trek's* Klingon Empire in small, medium, large, and huge sizes. To use: extract the files into "My Documents\My Games\GalCiv2\ships", start a game, select the desired ship, click "Update", equip with desired components, and save with a different name. You may then make the unequipped ship "Obsolete" so as to not overwrite it for future use. A player can use these as any race.
**** REQUIRES v1.1 or later of Galactic Civilizations II ****
(NOTE: You might play the custom race as Klingons: Courage +25, Hit Points +10, Loyalty +10, Military Production +20, Morale +10, soldiering +30, Weapons +15.)
*Star Trek and all Star Trek related items are the property of Paramount Entertainment.