82 kb
7457 dls
November 11, 2006
A Pack With All The Empires Ships.
2 kb
4196 dls
November 11, 2006
Game weapons as eye candy.
This will allow you to use the ingame weapons as eye candy for your custom built ships.

UPDATED 06\10\29
1 kb
2560 dls
November 11, 2006
This is a basic hull loaded with the best weapons, armor and modules. Please look at the list below for details:

Contains 1 ship, huge hull
-2 Hyperwarp II engines
-2 Distruptors II
-2 Quantum Torpedo Launchers
-Barrier III
-Admantuim Shields
-Adv. Troop Mod.

COST: 870 BC
4 mb
12961 dls
November 11, 2006
-- UPDATED FOR 1.40X --

Planets MOD

This mod adds more planet designs to the game, so you won't get the same green earth-like planet over and over again! This includes, Lava Worlds, more Ice Worlds, more Desert Worlds, Beach, Tundra, Swamp worlds etc.

I have also added planets for each of the major races, and assigned them in CustomPlanets.xml to appear in game as appropriate.

Each Planet also contains new textures for the invasions animation.

Also included is an extended set of gas giant planet textures for the Class 0 worlds of the galaxy.
1 kb
2822 dls
November 11, 2006
A Tie Fighter.
6 mb
12567 dls
November 11, 2006
Alternate Reality is a mod which currently adds more than 100 new techs to replace most techs from Gal Civ 2. At the moment it has five new races, and the ability to easily create your own custom race with a unique combination of technologies.
New improvements and components come together to completely alter Galactic Civilisations!
Please read the readme included in the zip file.
If the download looks funny, rename it to have a .zip at the end, then you can open it.
All feedback or queries to alternate.reality.mod@googlemail.com.
2 kb
4963 dls
November 4, 2006
A Mod For You Star Wars Lovers Out There
My documents/ My Games/ Galciv2/ Ships
6 mb
4521 dls
October 18, 2006
Beta Verison - Please let me know if you like and point out any glaring flaws.

Extract to MOD folder - select it in your options - restart the game and let fly.

oh! and be sure to research terraforming and don't be tempted to virus bomb your enemies.
56 kb
2102 dls
October 18, 2006
This new version adds and modifies my prevous mod.

New Material:
- Righteous Forum now has a cost
- Righteous Forum now requires the Galactic Forum
- Added techs from v1.2 example mod
- Added four new repair modules
- Added an early defense module

Original Changes:

New attack and defense modules for all Evil Weapons and Good Defense
New trading module for Neutral
A new influence module for Good
Two new Range Modules

Protect Minor Races (Three Years)
Protect Minor Races (Forever)
UP Headquarters (Forever)
Susspend Evil Trade - (None - Three Years)
by TOV
54 kb
1857 dls
October 18, 2006
Adds new modules and UP issues, Including:
New attack and defense modules for all Evil Weapons and Good Defense
New trading module for Neutral
A new influence module for Good
Two new Range Modules

Protect Minor Races (Three Years)
Protect Minor Races (Forever)
UP Headquarters (Forever)
Suspend Evil Trade - (None - Three Years)
by TOV
534 kb
2164 dls
October 18, 2006
GCII has been out for a while, so you provably know it pretty well by now. You've probably got your strategy all worked out, right? Well, perhaps it's time for something a little different:

Now, with the Randominator mod, EVERY game can be a new experience.

v1.1 New features:

- Can now choose which parts of the game to randomise.
- Can choose whether or not to remove core ships.
- Option to include Total Randomination- random changes that massively affect how the game is played, such as setting all logistics costs to zero or making ships more expensive.
- Option to balance the promoted Minor Races, removing their large economy bonus in return for some starting techs.

Forum thread: http://forums.galciv2.com/?forumid=348&aid=131653


- Randomises pretty much every modable aspect of GCII, from tech costs to Races.
- Compatible with any other mod (in theory at least).
- Removes all core ships from the game.

How to use the Randominator mod:

- Extract all files from the Zip.
- Follow the instruction in the Readme. (IMPORTANT! This does not work quite like a normal mod!)
16 kb
2629 dls
October 12, 2006
A hammer & sickle for any communists out there.
164 kb
4964 dls
October 12, 2006
FelRAven's Ship Pack

-= Kryo's Hull System Mod and collector's edition addon REQUIRED =-

This pack adds 11 custom ships to the Altarian Republic library. These are core designs, so weapons and engines are not included in the hulls.

Comments and criticisms are welcome.

Special thanks to Kryo for an awesome ship building mod.
37 kb
2387 dls
October 12, 2006
Revamps the military research trees and combat hulls. Balance still needs to be worked out.
30 kb
3588 dls
October 12, 2006
A pack with an Alien portrait and logo.