1 mb
2535 dls
April 21, 2006
This is just a quick hull I threw togeather as a test to make an animated hull.

1. Unzip all the files
2. Rename cargo_hauler.x to whatever hull you would like to replace (make sure you back up the file you're replacing!)
3. Place all files in your gfx/models directory

2 kb
5476 dls
April 21, 2006
Ancient Sparta’s citizens — warriors all — would train nearly continuously in “gymnasia” for battle when they weren’t actually at war. If you’ve a starfaring civilization of warriors in your game, these “Planetary Improvements” might add just the flavor you need.

*** REQUIRES v1.1 or later of Galactic Civilizations II ****

To install: Place the included file in your “My Documents\My Games\GalCiv2\Mods\Data\PlanetImprovements” directory.

Military Academy:
(Required Tech: Space Militarization)
Martial training for our youth increases a planet's defenses.
Limit: 1 per planet
+10 Planetary Defense

Militia Training Center:
(Required Tech: Planetary Defense)
An intensive military training center makes our citizens more effective soldiers and increases the planet's defenses.
Upgrades: Militia Training Center
Limit: 1 per planet
+15 Planetary Defense
+03 Soldiering
+05 Planetary Economy

Planetary Fortress:
(Required Tech: Supreme Planetary Defense)
An entrenched martial culture makes our citizens excellent soldiers and experts at guerilla warfare.
Upgrades: Militia Training Center
Limit: 1 per planet
+20 Planetary Defense
+05 Soldiering
+05 Planetary Economy

And also...

Public Information Center:
(Required Tech: Good and Evil)
[Replaces Secret Police for free -- Good civilizations wouldn't be "disappearing" people -- but is identical in effect.]
By debunking dissident ideas, this center will give a boost to the base approval rating of whatever planet it's built upon by 20%.
127 kb
2179 dls
April 21, 2006
This is my second logo and I hope that you have as much fun using it as I did making it. : )
761 kb
3728 dls
April 21, 2006
This is a description of what I did to import the White Star into GC2 including: Exporting from Freespace, Importing into 3DS Max, Texturing and the adding of dummies/hardpoints.

Its pretty straight forward and for the experienced modder or modeller won't contain much if anything new, but I was asked to write something like this so here we go.
207 kb
3896 dls
April 15, 2006
For Battlestar Galactica fans, The flags that represent the 12 Colonies. Used as race logos, just unzip and then to use them in your game, just go to the my games folder in your documents, click on galciv 2 and drop them into the file labeled logos.

- this file happens to have the flag for aerelon which i mistakenly left out. oddly enough, i didnt notice there were only 11 not 12. fixed now though
123 kb
2041 dls
April 15, 2006
United Worlds Federation flag is my first civ icon
1 kb
2657 dls
April 15, 2006
The standard "Protection Fields" module grants +3 defense against any of the three weapons types to nearby ships. Additional standard modules require adding to each specific defense type one at time. The included modules allow continuing to add to all types simultaneously.
(Note that the AI will have access to these modules as well.)

*** REQUIRES v1.1 or later of Galactic Civilizations II ****

To install: Place the included file in your “My Documents\My Games\GalCiv2\Mods\Data\StarbaseModules” directory.

Protection Fields II:
(Requires: Protection Fields)
Defense Assist (All Categories) +3
Cost: 0

Protection Fields III:
(Requires: Protection Fields II)
Defense Assist (All Categories) +4
Cost: 0

Protection Fields IV:
(Requires: Protection Fields III, Starbase Fortification)
Defense Assist (All Categories) +6
Cost: 300

Protection Fields V:
(Requires: Protection Fields IV, Starbase Fortification Mark II)
Defense Assist (All Categories) +8
Cost: 300

Protection Fields VI:
(Requires: Protection Fields V, Starbase Fortification Mark III)
Defense Assist (All Categories) +10
Cost: 300
12 kb
0 dls
April 15, 2006
Name: Xseries Vessels
Race: Humans
Tech: Massive hull,adv troop trans,trade,sensores,armour

Note: grdat design its all in the massive hull tech so yeah you gotta work for these designs if you wanna use them.
4 kb
6453 dls
April 15, 2006
Play with large ships or large ships and fleets available immediately. Includes four scenarios: two to play as human, the other two to play as the custom race.

Unzip the files to "\GalCiv2\Data\English\Scenarios" to use.
25 kb
4682 dls
April 15, 2006
Two new political parties: The Imperialists (think Cylons, Goa’uld) and The Isolationists (the Vulcans, the Asgard). I created these because I wanted a political party that could be militaristic without being evil (an idealized Roman Empire comes to mind) and of course I had to create its counterweight; contemplative civilizations that could protect themselves if need be.

**** REQUIRES v1.1 or later of Galactic Civilizations II ****

“The Imperialist Party believes that there are only two real choices, to either be predator or prey. Their entire focus is on conquest for the sake of their own survival. Choosing this party will give your civilization a 30% bonus to military production and a 20% bonus to espionage.”

“The Isolationists are strong believers in keeping to themselves. Disagreements and discord between civilizations are distractions from true progress. Choosing this party will increase your research and loyalty by 15% each.”
378 kb
2769 dls
April 6, 2006
Logo pack based on a logo from the Andromeda TV series. The 10 colors cover each major race.

Ive even included the master .psd so you can tweak it. :)
404 kb
3945 dls
April 6, 2006
An addition to all the in-game race logos that are flags from around the world. click on the picture to see all flags included, to use them in your game, just go to the my games folder in your documents, click on galciv 2 and drop them into the file labeled logos.
25 kb
2865 dls
April 6, 2006
A fancy Skull and Crossbones emblem, necessary for all self respecting space pirates.

Simply extract to my Documents/My Games/Gal Civ/Logos

Updated, definitely a .png file and now has black background.
32 kb
3965 dls
April 6, 2006
I saw there is a Rebel Alliance insignia here, so I thought, for fairness sake, that we should have the Imperial logo here, too. So here it is.
6 mb
1664253 dls
April 6, 2006
When I heard that Stardock was providing a Technology Tree, "this" is what I hoped it would look like.

This is only the 'Non-Weapon Related' portion of the Tech Tree. I really don't see a point of doing a graphical representaion of the Weapons & Defense trees, as they seem to be better looked at in spreadsheet form.

When printing these out, be sure to use the 'Legal' settings & paper for your printer (or else 'shrink' it down to fit on standard 'Letter' size).

I've gone over it pretty carefully, but as Frogboy says: "Bugs sometime make it through"