8 mb
9310 dls
July 17, 2006
Now comple set of planets from star wars are now available in this Star Wars Map Mod 2

Requires v1.0 or later of Galactic Civilizations II
be sure that you backup you customplanets.xml file!
7 mb
8595 dls
July 15, 2006
Now most planets from star wars are now available in this Star Wars Map Mod

Requires v1.0 or later of Galactic Civilizations II
be sure that you backup you customplanets.xml file!
471 kb
15283 dls
July 15, 2006
Terran fighter pack

Something for you fighter freaks out there:

The pack contains tiny (fighters) and small (corvettes - or call them heavy fighters or whatever...) ships, 10 each, for the human ship style.

All of the ships are basic hulls with extras. No engines, weapons etc. attached. Note that you will have to research Advanced Hulls to get access to fighters 07 - 10. The reason is simply that I wanted to use the second human tiny hull (cockpit) for some of the fighters and it becomes available only then. All the others you should see in the ship designer right after you start a new game.

Be warned that some of them (especially the fighters) more or less look like aircraft (wings and stuff), but hey, that's what they do in pretty much any SF-movie, right? Anyway, you can look at the pics I included before extracting the files.

I stole the naming convention from Rabid_Monkey that he used in his great Imperial ship-pack:

z[designation] Croc-xx

Designation is:
FGT (fighter) - tiny or
CRV (corvette) - small.

You need GalCiv2 version 1.2 (might work with 1.1 but I couldn't check) and the Collector's Edition stuff to use them. Please update BEFORE you unzip the files.

Their .shipcfg-files are all less than 20 KB so they should not effect your gameplay too much.

INSTALLATION: Unzip the .xml and .shipcfg files into your ...\My Games\GalCiv2 or ...\My Games\GalCiv2\ships directory, depending on if you use folder names when unzipping or not.

Hope you like them,

have fun!
1 mb
3448 dls
July 14, 2006
ou can make planet coruscant from star wars to be one of your planets on you custom star system
( you know the custom race) or any planet like earth will be coruscant or toria or whatever,
now the Empire is in total control!

Requires v1.0 or later of Galactic Civilizations II
be sure that you backup you customplanets.xml file!
38 kb
5611 dls
July 13, 2006
don't you think that the Empire is really nothing without her Stormtroopers? build some clones training centers
and send them out to conquer the galaxy now with my new mod!

Requires v1.0 or later galciv 2 version

for more info you should go to:
52 kb
3466 dls
July 13, 2006
Dont you want to be a jedi? now you can! you can build your own Jedi Temple!
to all the ones who likes STAR WARS! this is including an improvment of a jedi temple and PNG picture.
and new tech named: Jedi Temple.
it can only be build in Good Alignment, but all the moders out there can change it to
whatever you want!
135 kb
4770 dls
July 10, 2006
Now take your clones into action use Stormtroopers or the regular Kamino Clonetroopes to conquer a new world!
this is really simple just take your troop transport and use this new Star Wars invasion tactics to liberate
or to set order in the enemy planet!

Requires v1.0 or later galciv 2 version and my second mod of STAR WARS Cloning Machine
55 kb
4037 dls
July 10, 2006
A simple logo for your race, consisting of the classic Quake symbol. Happy warring.
41 kb
3616 dls
July 7, 2006
Custom made logo featuring the eye of Biomede. Enjoy!
9 kb
3993 dls
July 6, 2006
Drengin Supremacy Ship Pack

A ship pack for the Drengins. These ships are unupgraded and should be useable from the start. Most ships include a lot of jewelry and could slow down your system.
1 - Huge Ship (Star Dreadnaught)
1 - Large Ship (Nova Starship)
1 - Medium Ship (Titan Cruiser)
1 - Small Ship (Vampyr)
1 - Tiny Ship (Star Striker)

Minimum Requirements:
GalCiv2 ver. 1.2
Collectors Edition
Kryo's Hull System Mod v1.7
9 kb
5867 dls
July 4, 2006
A ship pack for the Terrans. These ships are unupgraded and should be useable from the start. These took a long time to construct. The Largest ship uses over 100 peices of ship "jewelry".
1 - Huge Ship (Galaxy Starcruiser)
1 - Large Ship (Juggernaut)
1 - Medium Ship (Star Stryker)
1 - Small Ship (Dragonfly)
1 - Tiny Ship (Falcon)

Minimum Requirements:
GalCiv2 ver. 1.2
Collectors Edition
Kryo's Hull System Mod v1.7
19 kb
3671 dls
July 3, 2006
Michimex. & W.i.n.t.e.r present Winter's Ships (Pack 1)
*requires Kryo's Hull System Mod*

Contains Winter's old ship designs & Cargo hulls

Tarasque Class (original)
Hel Class
Freya (formerly troya)

Pegasos (formerly creta)
Asgard ... Njoy!
24 kb
4530 dls
July 1, 2006
Ultimate Design Freedom Mod v1.1 by Rasori
Rel. July 1, 2006

+ Nearly all functional components are now replaced with a blank model (invisible) and one hardpoint facing the same direction as the original hardpoint. (Exceptions are the currently impossible: Colony, Troop, and Advanced Troop Module)
+ All weapons/defense/etc graphics still work
+ All components except Colony Modules, Troop Modules, and Advanced Troop Modules work as intended
+ The AI will use the Blank Modules, allowing for cleaner ships on their part (I have found this to be exclusive, tell me if you find a time other than the excepted modules where they don't)
+ Blank components separated into their own tabs for ease of browsing
+ One can make an entire jewelry ship (with the help of KHSM) and not mar it with components
+ One can install a ship from another work (Star Wars, Star Trek, etc) and not mar it with components
+ Works with all races and bug-free (AFAIK)
+ (V1.1) Now includes thumbnails for all blank components.
42 kb
2366 dls
June 30, 2006
You can make planet Hoth from star wars to be one of your planets on you custom star system
( you know the custom race) it's not alot of work but if someone want that so here it is:

Requires v1.0 or later of Galactic Civilizations II
16 kb
2036 dls
June 29, 2006
The Narn Race Logo (Matte Version). With transparent background! Slightly redesigned and colored to work better in GC2. I wanted to have a B5 Narn logo that was in the style of the ones that SD made. This logo is still a work in progress but I wanted to post it so ppl had a better one. I did the Narn first out of respect for the suffering they went through recently. Enjoy. P.S. EA, Centauri, Minbari to come.